Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Gotta draw the line somewhere

I woke up thinking about the Dudley song. I got up at 8, and couldn't get it out of my head. The stove was hot because Chris put the pork in to warm up before he went to work. I brushed and swished several times. I soaked my sprouts, which are probably ready to eat. I turned on meditation music. I drybrushed, rebounded, and did lymph-moving exercises. I took supplements for push-catch. I boiled water for coffee, swept the floor, and wrote myself a note to pick up Roz for choir practice.
I spent over an hour meditating and tapping. I cleaned in kitchen until Chris came home and got the pork and went back to work. I cleaned the bathrooms. I listened to Margaret talk about the chakras while I made yogurt and finished the kitchen. Then for some reason the audio failed. I took a shower, got dressed and restarted the computer. I ate ham, and a can of soup.
I went to the Korean clinic at 2. They were happy to see me. He had a number of things for me to work on. He had gotten a notice of failure to file some tax form by the end of the year. I found it online and he printed it out. Then we spent quite some time filling it out. I hope it was right.
I came home with kimchi and onion juice, courtesy of the doctors. I checked gmail and saw that Roz had another ride. I took the mid-afternoon supplement and read e-mail for an hour, then made breakfast for dinner. Chris came home with lots of leftover pork. I collected all the recyclables and took them out to the recycling bin. I had to flatten a lot of boxes to fit in there. I also checked the house mail, but found nothing. It seemed bitterly cold outside, but was not quite freezing. I set the plants out to get rained on tomorrow.
I went to choir. I put the invoice in the treasurer's box. I picked up new music and went to sit with the choir. Jennifer gave me some apple chips and the empty egg box from November. Then choir practice started. We went through all the pieces, then gathered at the front of the church to sing the one for this Sunday. After practice, Lars talked to me about a check that came in dated for December 31, saying we have to draw the line somewhere.
I drove home. I made some magnesium water to sip while watching ST:NG. We watched two episodes. I put tiny silk stitches in Chris' garb while sitting there on the couch. Afterward, I took the push-catch supplements and wrote my blog post.
* This is the quilt that the modern quilt guild is submitting to QuiltCon this year. *

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