Sunday, January 26, 2020

Who we are

I got up at 7:30 when my alarm went off. I turned on the router and laid down again, but not for long. I got up and took a shower. I got dressed and read some e-mail. I selected some themed fabric for Tuesday. I drank my protein supplement, then I went to church.
I warmed up with the choir. I talked to the couple behind me. Don sat beside me. I gave him an envelop for his offering. Then the service started. When the choir sang, I told myself this is the last time I sing this song. I did not like the words.
After the service, I took Don's envelop to the offering plate. I put all the envelops in a bigger envelop and put that in the safe. I joined the others who were enjoying strawberry shortcake in honor of the interim pastor's retirement from the army. Lars read his list of accomplishments and awards. It was quite lengthy. Then we had a meeting to review the results of the visionary team: who we think we are and what we feel God is calling us to do and what kind of pastor we should look for. It was interesting and the pastor made sure it was over in an hour. I found myself talking to others afterward. Jim showed me the proper form to get bills paid. I promised to have it filled out by Tuesday.
I went home using the freeway. I had worn pants so I did not have to change my clothes. I took Vitamin C and the fat-soluble supplements. Then we went to Publix for groceries. Chris did not need any because he is going TDY tomorrow.
When we got back, we put away the groceries. Chris made his lunch and I made my breakfast. I also had some bean and ham soup which had been on the stove all morning. I read e-mail. I wrote a check to the historical society that is going to fix up the Reber cemetary. I called Faye and talked to Dad. He is making a lot of progress physically, and some cognitively. I went for a walk uphill. It was cold, so I ran part of the way. I was so happy that I was able to run.
When I got back, I played Solitaire while listening to a podcast. I changed out the can of coconut water that I keep by my bedside. I washed off all the cans we bought today. Chris packed for his trip. I made a large salad for supper and ate it at the desktop looking for flying geese paper, and then trying to construct such using EQ4.
When Chris was ready, we watched two episodes of Call the Midwife. It is a very emotional show. Chris handled a few last minute details and went to bed. I stayed up to write to my blog, and then got ready for bed.
* A pic from the modern quilt guild meeting. *

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