Thursday, January 2, 2020

Headed to Huntsville

I woke occasionally through the night to throw off the blankets and fell asleep again. I am not sure when I got up because my watch band broke so I wasn't wearing it. I brushed and swished and read e-mail. Chris read e-mail, too, and took a shower. I washed up and got dressed. I made and ate breakfast. I packed my suitcase. Chris brought a cart up from the ground floor. He put the cold food back in the cooler. We loaded all our stuff onto the cart and took it out to the car. He checked out and loaded the car. Then we drove to the gas station. I filled out the gas book while he pumped gas and put in as much as he could.
Then we headed for Huntsville. It rained and we ran into accident traffic. But it was nice to listen to the book on CD. I never quite fell asleep. We snacked on eggs and carrots. We stopped once at rest area but it was too rainy for me to get out, so I just waited for him.
We got to Huntsville about 3. We went straight to the post office and picked up the mail before going home. We unloaded the car. Chris got the house mail. I unpacked the food boxes, then called Faye. She was driving Dad home from a therapy appointment. I unpacked my suitcase. I opened mail and the delivered boxes. The book I ordered for Chris came in and I gave it to him to open. I made more vitamin mix. I poured boiling water into the water bottles to sterilize them. I read e-mail, and checked on a money snafu at church. Guess I'll have to go there tomorrow.
I read more e-mail. I watched one episode of TQS while eating a can of soup, and sprouts with olives as a salad. I had coconut flakes for dessert.
I looked up how to get all my unread g-mail in one spot and deleted at least half. I felt anxious about the darkness and rain outside. I tried to remember what my routine was. I looked for studies on transdermal vitamin patches, but didn't find what I was looking for. I listened to an interview on EMF protection. I turned on the air purifier in the bedroom.
We watched about 3 episodes of The Mandelorian. It took my mind off of the dark and stormy night. Then I boiled turmeric root to make tea. I drank that while typing up my blog post. I jotted notes of things to be done tomorrow so I don't forget. The weather report is for more rain, but I am still hoping for sunshine.
* This is the snow we had like three weeks ago. *

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