Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year's Day

Last night Dad was sleeping when I laid down on the blow-up mattress. But he heard me and woke up, had to use the bathroom. When he laid down, I stretched him again, and he went to sleep. So I turned off the lights, but that woke him up and he had to go again. It seemed far too soon, but he went again. Then I stretched his legs again, and he went to sleep.
I had trouble sleeping due to breathing issues, so I got up and took some Enguard, which is an essential oil blend in tiny gels. Then I laid down and did a lot of tapping. I wore eyeshades because of the light. I dimly remember Dad getting up twice during the night. He did not need assistance. I woke up at 6:45. I saw his Wednesday synthroid was gone so he must have taken it during the night. I started getting myself ready for the day. At 7:30 I woke him up, stretched him and cued him to dress himself. It was slow, but he could do it. Then he went out to the den to put his shoes on. I heard Patrick cue him while I packed. I added air to the mattress. Chris hardboiled eggs for the trip. Chris was upset at all the batting and fabric I was bringing. I was going to go through all the fabric scraps in bins and pick out just the ones I wanted. But somehow Chris got them all in the car while I was making and eating breakfast. Patrick was sorting stamps in the den. Dad made and ate his breakfast. I made sure he had a fat bomb and Patrick promised to see that Dad got fat bombs in the future.
At 10:40 I walked with Dad down the road. He had to stop twice to rest, but he said it was because he was marching. When we got back, Chris had the car all packed. We took preemptive potty breaks, and then got on the road.
As we drove to Bristol, we listened to the rest of our book on CD. I slept off and on, but I think I got the gist of it. Then we started a second book. I had more trouble following that one. Traffic was light.
At 4 we got to the hotel. We laid down for awhile, then went across the street to Puerta Nueva, a place that serves Mexican food and seafood. I got a seafood cocktail, and tried their salsa bar. I figured spicy food would help with congestion. It was delicious, but I was still a little congested.
After dinner, we walked next door to the GoodWill, which was open, much to my surprise. We wandered around for a while. Then we went to the theater next door and bought tickets to “Knives Out”. We were the first people in that theater room. So we sat for awhile before the ads started, and then some more before the presentation started. It was a good movie, with an unexpected ending, and some big name actors.
We went back to the hotel, and called Michele. We wished her a happy new year. She gave us her Disney Plus info so we could watch “The Mandelorian”. It was not interesting to me at first, but by the end of the first episode I was seeing potential. She was just getting into the second season of Lost in Space, which we had just finished. We tried not to spoil it for her. After watched one episode, I hooked up my computer, deleted a bunch of e-mail, and wrote my blog post for the day.
*My seafood cocktail doesn't look like much compared to Chris' dinner. *

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