Saturday, January 25, 2020


When I got up, my head was itching. So I applied the tea tree oil and vodka mix. I had to hold my head sideways so I went back to bed and laid on my left side until it soaked in. While I laid there, I did the math in my head for a block I had seen online. Afterward, I got up again, I brushed and swished and all that. Then I got out fabric and played around the elements of the block until I had a plan I was satisfied with. I made one block, then cut a bunch of strips so I could chain-piece lots of them.
I took supplements on schedule. Then I stopped sewing and made breakfast. After breakfast, I sat outside in the sun and read from a library book.
When I came in, I checked my yogurt. It was still runny like coconut milk and I concluded that the inoculant did not have enough live probiotic in it. So I put it back in the yogurt maker and added a capsule of sacchromyces boulardii from the stock that the functional medicine practitioner sold me. I set it to run until tomorrow morning.
I went back to the blocks and finished 9 more while listening to a talk by Ben Greenfield about the book he just published. Then I took a half hour walk around the neighborhood.
Chris was home when I got back. He had two packages from the post office. I opened the first one and found the quilting clips I had ordered. The package was stapled shut which made me think it had been opened and returned. So I took out all the clips and tried each one. They all worked and there were none missing. They aren't as good as the ones I had before, but the other ones haven't shown up in two and a half years.
I made supper, consisting of leftovers from the fridge. I am eating mostly cooked food this week.
I cut some more strips for a second set of blocks. Then we watched one episode of ST:NG. The next episode was marked part one of two. We decided to watch part one. But there was no demarcation between one and two so we inadvertently stayed up late watching an extra episode. I was so tired that I went to bed without posting to my blog.
* Which one would you pick? *

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