Saturday, January 18, 2020

The golden pants

I woke up hearing the 8:30 alarm. Chris gave me a reason to stay in bed until 9. He got on his laptop. I used mine to read about air ozonators, and activated charcoal packs. I followed the new order of my morning supplement routine. Around 11:30 I made and ate breakfast.
After breakfast, I ironed the length of gold silk. I cleared some space on my cutting table. I laid the fabric down. Chris brought me a pair of scrub pants. I put one leg inside the other and then laid it on the fabric and cut around it. I made a second one from the first cut. Then I sewed each leg together, then sewed the crotch. I had Chris try them on. They were tighter than I'd planned. I added a second line of stitching for reinforcement. Then I put in a casing at the top. I found a long shoestring that Grandma had saved. It was perfect. I threaded it through. I also zigzagged the seam allowances. I left the hemming for later. Now if I can convince Chris to spin some story about how his character lost his shirt, I could be done.
It was a cold and rainy day and I never did go for a walk. By the time I was done with the pants, it was 5pm and getting dark. I took the afternoon supplement, then checked e-mail. I called Faye to see how things were going. I talked to Dad who was able to hold a normal conversation. Faye told me her dog died today.
I made a big salad for supper. Then I parsed out two weeks worth of supplements. I set aside empty bottles to be reordered. I almost finished a podcast I was listening to. Then we watched two episodes of ST:NG. I helped Chris dress the bed with clean sheets. I drank some magnesium water, then wrote my blog post. It wasn't quite time to go to bed so I made a supplement order from Swansons.

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