Saturday, January 11, 2020

The big reveal

I got up at 8:15. I took the morning supplement, then brushed and swished. I got dressed as silently as possible. I sat at my sewing machine, pinning the next placemat. Then I put on my coat and went outside to water the flowers and get some early daylight. There wasn't much because the sky was full of clouds, and they were moving pretty quickly.
When I went inside, Chris was up, had loaded the dishwasher and turned on the router. I started reading e-mail. I saw an open game of Solitaire so I played it. I kept playing games to watch the odds of getting a new victory image go down. Then I took my protein supplement. I also checked the mold plates that had been wrapped up for three days. There was no mold growing in either one.
I did some quilting while listening to a podcast. It was annoying that it would freeze and I would have to refresh the page and find the same spot in order to continue. At the most interesting part, I, put away the dishes from the dishwasher so I could be close to the laptop.
When I sat down, I saw e-mail saying a package was delivered. So I put on my coat to check the mailbox, but suddenly the wind and rain picked up so fiercely that I decided it could wait. I cleared more e-mail, and then Chris wanted to go to the WalMart nieghborhood store for cheese and milk. I elected to go along to look for kitchen towels and an ice scraper. It was raining, but not so windy, so I took an umbrella. When we got to the store, we found they had everything Chris wanted, but nothing on my list.
When we got home, I checked the mailbox and found the watchband that I had ordered. I was so excited! I opened the bag and took out the box, then took out the band. I tried to put it on, but it kept slipping in my fingers. Then Chris tried and he said the ends were too big for the watch head. I tried again, and the springy things came off. Chris tried again, but still no luck. He put the old band on just so I could wear it. He suggested I take the new band to the jewelry store at the mall and have them do it.
I put on another podcast and started quilting again. This one froze occasionally too. The old laptop doesn't do that. When I finished sewing, I sat down at the old laptop. I turned my attention to Instagram. It would not let me access my account, saying it had been inactivated for violating their policies. ??? So I created a new account using my Gmail address. Then I was able to look at quilt pics. But it didn't seem any better than using Pinterest or an internet search. So I moved over to Pinterest, looking for some kind of do-not-disturb sign. Nothing fit the bill. Then I added recent pics to my Pinterest quilt page. I made a big salad using up the last of the salad stuff and ate it. I discovered I hadn't posted in over a year, so I had a lot of pics to go through.
It was after 8 when I finished adding my most recent pics to my Pinterest page. Then I sat in the living room with Chris, and we watched a movie from Netflix called RA-one. It was a little strange, being partly in English and partly in some Indian dialect. Also there was singing and choreographed dancing, which isn't often seen in a superhero movie. It was pretty long. I got a few stitches in the blue quilt, but mostly it held my attention.
Now it is time to write my blog post and go to bed.
* This is the block that I remade yesterday. *

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