Thursday, January 23, 2020

Wasting time

I got up soon after my alarm went off. I brushed and swished, taking the first round of supplements. I read e-mail. One article mentioned a scene from Jane the Virgin which talked about tapping. So I looked it up on IMDB. I read some of the blurbs, but it didn't make sense because I did not know the characters. So I watched the first episode on Netflix. Halfway through the second episode I decided I'd had enough and closed that window. I got dressed, and made breakfast.
It was raining and I didn't want to get my machine wet. So I threw the yellow kimono in a bag and just took it. I went to quilting. There were only a few ladies there because of some retreat that started last night. I finished sewing the front band on the yellow kimono by hand. I conversed with Leanne, Melissa, and Mary. Leanne gave me a free-standing embroidered butterfly that she'd made. It is beautiful.
On the way home, I stopped at the mall, and picked up my watch with a new band. It fit well and I was pleased. When I got home, I noticed the yogurt maker had finished an hour and a half ago. I quickly put the yogurt in the refrigerator. It seemed too runny and I wondered if it didn't work.
I looked through the special fabrics in the guest room and found a piece of gold that might work for Chris' costume. But it had wrinkles as a design element and I did not know quite how to sew it to preserve the wrinkles. I trimmed one edge and used the trimming to audition on the outfit. I still wasn't sure I could make it work.
I had a Pinterest window open for costume pics and I happened to click on puns. From there, I was able to waste a lot of time. I collected puns and sent them to Kurt. Chris came home from work. Around 5 I heated a bowl of onions and garlic and cabbage. When it was hot, I added mashed yucca and some ham. I also had a square of chocolate and some coconut flakes.
I finished the raw edges of the crotch seam in the yellow silk pants. Then I finished raw edges in the yellow kimono. I stopped when Chris told me I had a message on Skype. It was my tapping buddy. We tapped for my inner child before the age of 1.
Afterward, Chris and I watched two episodes of ST:NG. Then I sat down to write my blog post. I brushed my teeth and got ready for bed. Lately I have been doing some yoga stretches just before laying down.
* This is what we each got at the guild meeting on Tuesday night. *

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