Sunday, January 19, 2020

Working on a golden kimono

Hot flashes kept waking me up last night. But, when morning came, I got cold and kept falling back asleep. I forced myself to get up at 8. I took the first supplement of the day – G.I Detox. Then I brushed and swished. I took my shower while swishing. It was really cold outside so I dressed in black pants and a nice top. I read e-mail for a short time, then did my hair and put in my earrings. I took the protein supplements, then put on my warmest coat and went to church.
After the choir warm-up, there was a concert of sorts starring our organist and her piano-playing friend. It was lovely. We clapped at the end, then Lars made the announcements. Pastor got the service started. For some reason known only to him, he had us meet and greet each other early in the service, then had a passing of the peace later, during which we were to pass only the peace. I didn't get it. Stacey told me that her husband was going to watch 6 hours of football and she asked if she could go walking with me later. After the service, I took Don's envelop up to the offering plates. I collected all the monies and put them in the safe. Pastor was there changing his robe. I told him 6 hours of football would be a punishment for me. He wished there was more football. Then I talked to Lars and Tim about money stuff. Finally I went home.
When I got home, I took the vitamin C, putzed around in the kitchen for 15 minutes, then took the fat-soluble vitamins. I was ready to go shopping but Chris wanted to wait 45 minutes until he had killed the boss. It's a gaming thing. So I fixed breakfast and ate it while reading e-mail.
Finally we went to Publix and got groceries for the week. Chris bought two large pork roasts for work. I helped put the food away. Then the doorbell rang. Stacey was there with my tree all wrapped in it's paper. I put it in the garage and then she and I went walking.
And walk we did. We went around different ways. We checked on wild daffodils and other stuff. By the time we got back to her house, it was 4pm and she was tired. I went home, and got a book to read while sitting outside in the sun. But the sun quickly dropped and I got really cold. So I came in. Chris was cooking ham and cabbage and onions on the stove. I put my hands near it to warm up. He stirfried the bitter melon that soaked in vinegar. I covered mashed yucca with the ham mixture and then added the bitter melon. It was quite reasonable, although at times the bitterness did come through. Then he stirfried the melon that soaked in milk over night. It had all of its original bitterness, so clearly vinegar was the winner. But personally, I thought the ham mixture was great without either.
I surfed pics of garb, looking for ideas for Chris' costume. I decided what to do with the remaining yellow silk, but once I had it cut, it just wasn't quite enough, unless I pieced it. Chris suggested sleeves of a different fabric.
By then it was after 8. We sat down to watch two episodes of ST:NG. Then I made six portions of liver-clearing supplements. (I am trying a new phase to my supplement routine. Thirty minutes before taking the Ultra Binder, I am going to take bitters, milk thistle, etc. ) I set the timer for 30 minutes. I rinsed the sprouts that I started a few days ago. I sat down to write my blog post. When the time was up, I took the G. I. Detox and got ready for bed.
* This is one of the pics I captured for inspiration. But how do I make the shoulders stand up like that? *

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