Saturday, August 15, 2020

A little test run

We got up late. I noticed that the spot under my ear and behind my jaw, was very sore. I hoped I had just been sleeping on it wrong and it would clear up soon. Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. Then he went to play on his computer. I took supplements, brushed and swished. I read some e-mail.
Self-Help posted a pic of vegetables from the community garden. I was going to walk down there and get some. Chris and I looked in the water softener tank to see if we also needed salt. Yes, and quite a bit. So instead of walking, I took the car. I signed out two 40lb bags of salt from Self-Help and picked up a squash and a zucchini. When I got home, I backed my car up to the garage and opened the trunk. I let Chris know so he could get the bags out at his convenience.
I read e-mail and responded to some of Kurt's comments to my comments on Facebook. Because the conversations are so long, it is hard to find the comment I wanted to respond to. While my inner critic was pondering a comment on Facebook, I grabbed my sewing machine cart and headed to the pavillion. By the time my critic caught up with me, I was halfway down the block and it couldn't stop me. When I got to the pavillion, I set up my machine and plugged in the power strip. I was worried that the table was too bumpy for a cutting mat, but I was able to cut some 4 inch squares and two mask-sized rectangles. I added a row to a previously made charity quilt top. I ironed it with the mini iron, using it for the first time. I was not impressed. Then I made a Star Trek themed mask. The only trouble I had was with the wind. No one stopped to see what I was doing. Around 3:15, I packed everything up and rolled my kit and kaboodle back to the house.
I watched some short videos on mis-information, and the WHO hiring a PR firm to help with their image and message. It was the same PR firm that in 1990 got Nayirah to falsely testify that Iraqi solders pulled Israeli babies from their incubators and left them to die. I wonder what Hill and Knowlton will do for the WHO.
Because of something Kurt said, I looked up George Floyd's memorial services and looked for covid spikes afterward. The graph for Houston was kind of hazy and I did not see one for North Carolina. That was as far as I got. For supper I ate some of the roasted garlic cloves that Chris made. He also roasted the zucchini in strips and I had one of those, plus a tomato and some of the pork he had in the oven all day.
After eating, I called William to wish him a happy birthday. Then I looked at bathroom scales on Amazon. I wanted an analog scale because the digital ones were made of glass and most had bluetooth. But I had to settle for a digital without bluetooth. But then Amazon refused to mail it to my address. ?!?! I submitted the rest of my order because I need the new teapot.
Chris left the pork cooking until the juice dried up and the meat fell apart. I made my magnesium drink and we watched an episode of Lucifer. Then he put the meat away, and we watched another episode of Lucifer. Afterward, we dressed the bed with clean sheets and I put my laundry away. Then I sat down to write my blog post before going to bed. The spot under my left ear is still sore but maybe a little less so.
* Not an idea spot, but it worked. *

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