Sunday, August 2, 2020

Shopping day

I slept at little better last night. When we got up, it was after 8:30. I took the first supplements of the day. I found some shelf supports that would fit the white shelving in the hallway. But they needed to be squeezed in order to fit in the holes of the track. I used Chris' multi-tool and it went ok. I had to unload some of the shelves to move them to a better spot. I took a shower, and then Chris started the laundry. I sat down to compost an answer to a Facebook post. Then I unpacked boxes and rearranged books on shelves to make room for more books. If this place were a library, we'd have a really big sci-fi fantasy section, and DnD gaming. But also a respectible history section and self-help section, health and nutrition, leadership and business, arts-n-crafts, religion, foreign language, and math. Plus a few books on humor and juvenile novels. Oh, and home repair and maintenance, and gardening. Did I leave anything out? I made and ate breakfast with a banana for dessert. I turned on the Apollo, but didn't know what mode it was in. I looked at the website to figure out how to use the app. Then Chris was ready to go shopping, so we put ice packs in the cooler and went to Tooele. We stopped at the shoppette for rolling curtain rings on the way. When we got to town, we stopped at the nutrition store. They didn't have the binder I was looking for, but I got a beet drink to go. Then we went to the farm stand in the parking lot. I bought 4 ears of corn after talking to the young couple who ran it. Then we went to Macey's for groceries. I couldn't find any organic produce. We drove back to the base, and stopped at the post office. There was a small Swanson package for me. When we got home, Chris put the food away while I used the shower curtain rings to hang a plastic liner in the hall bath. Then I unpacked more boxes, and put empty boxes in the shed. I rinsed sprouting seeds, but they didn't look promising. I figured out the app on the Apollo and used the Rest and Relax setting. For supper I made egg salad, leaving only one egg left from the two dozen duck eggs that I bought in Huntsville. I also ate half of a sweet potato with cinnamon and nuts, and then some blueberries. I started listening to an interview with Dr. John Gray. I paused it to ask Chris if he wanted to go for a walk. He needed a minute to finish his game so I spread balled up paper out on the floor so I could fold it up and tuck it in a box. Then we went for a long walk around the base. Chris pointed out the RV park, the old school and the new school, the gym and the childcare center, etc. When we got back, I signed into a Zoom sew-along with the Modern Quilt Guild. We chatted longer than I intended, but it was so good to see them again. I promised to send pics of a block-of-the-month I taught in 2012, plus contact info for Linus. Then Chris and I watched two episodes of Lucifer. Together we put clean sheets on the bed. I posted to my blog, trying to remember what we did today since I didn't take time to jot notes.
* The new Blogger interface doesn't have a symbol for adding a pic so I had to revert to the old one. *
* These are the stove grates that I talked about in a previous post. They are heavy to move and clean under. *

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