Saturday, August 15, 2020

He got it in one shot - literally

Chris' alarm went off at 6:30. I was waiting for Reveille, but it didn't play. I guess it only plays M-Th. I got up, drank the protein and H2 drink, brushed and then swished in the shower. After dressing, I filled a water bottle (something I should do for every trip into Tooele) and put on some glutathione patches. Chris put the cooler in the car and we headed out.
We arrived 5 minutes early at the dentist. I called and they said to come in in 5 minutes. But I had to use the restroom, so I went in 3 minutes later. I wore a surgical mask and found it easier to breathe around. I had to sign a covid form saying I didn't have any symptoms and hadn't been anywhere. A young man showed me back to a cubicle. He asked me if I wanted nitrous, and I did, so he set that up. Then the dentist came in so I could ask him about what's in the filling and tell him to read the previous dentist's notes on anesthesia. He left, I relaxed, then he came back to do the shot in the jaw. It wasn't as bad as when the crown was put in. He left again and I watched Shark Week which was playing on the ceiling TV. He came back, did a little bit of drilling and left again. The assistant rinsed my mouth several times. The dentist came back to do the filling, at which point I was so numb and loopy I almost slept through it. He packed my jaw with cotton and left again. Later he came back to take it out, pronounce the procedure as finished, and he was gone. The assistant had me on just oxygen for a few minutes. When he sat me up, he took everything off and gave me a baggie with the NO mask in it. He said if I brought it back next time, the NO charge would be $5 cheaper. So I went up front and paid. I asked if I could have some NO to go. But she said no.
Chris was waiting in the car outside. I got in and we went to Luckey's for some groceries. They had turmeric root in with the ginger roots. I guess it was the same price because there was no label for the turmeric. We got a few other things, but not everything. Then we went to Melanie's Nutrition, where I got a beet drink. The farm stand had tomatoes and cantaloupe so I got a bag and one melon. Then we went to Macey's for the things Luckey's didn't have. On the way home, I had to hold the bag of tomatoes between my shins to keep them from going everywhere.
By the time we got back to base, I had taken all my morning supplements and was almost ready for breakfast. I made breakfast while Chris played his game. I don't care about the time he spends, but the charges really add up.
After breakfast, I listened to an interview between Matthew Mc, and Fauci. Kurt had suggested it. The subject of masks came up. Afterward, Chris moved Grandma's sewing machine into the dining room and held it up while I screwed the legs back on. We moved the inversion table into the master bathroom. What seemed small in the garage took up a lot of space in the bathroom! I asked him to move some boxes around for me, and then I unpacked some with clothing. A lot of it was stuff I hadn't worn in Huntsville so I decided to try each one on and discard those that didn't fit well or I just didn't like anymore. To that end, I unpacked our full-length mirror. Then I spent quite a while trying on tops. I did not try on winter stuff because it was just too hot. But I put cold weather clothing in a large suitcase for later in the year.
I ate corn and salad with lots of tomatoes.
I listened to an interview with Simone Gold, a physician and lawyer. She said that before HCQ, no FDA approved drug had ever been prohibited for off-label uses. France had it over-the-counter, but pulled it off their shelves on Jan 13th. In 2005 NIH said HCQ worked when given early for Sars-Cov-1. Sars-Cov1 is 78% identical to Sars-Cov2. She was censored for speaking in favor of HCQ. 100K Americans would be alive today if doctors were allowed to prescribe HCQ.
At 7”30 I went for a walk to the post office. There was nothing in our box, but it was a nice walk anyway. I dodged the sprinklers on the way in and on the way out. I really should go earlier, but then it's hotter.
I read e-mail until Chris finished his game and then we watched TV. I took the melatonin during the first episode of Lucifer, and by the end of the second episode I was falling asleep. So, we just turned off the TV and went to bed.
* A new lead to follow. *

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