Sunday, August 23, 2020

Lillith who?

I got up about 7:30, took first supplement, and read e-mail until church started around 9. I watched the church service until someone turned their camera off. Then I got dressed and went outside to dig up gopher mounds. I also watered dried grass. I read e-mail, then made breakfast while Chris mowed the rest of the lawn. As I put breakfast together, I had to make more mixes and refill small containers. Chris put a roast in the oven at 250.
NYTimes said dental hygienists were most at risk based on how often and how close their exposures were. So I looked for articles saying dental hygienists got sick more often than other occupations, but there was nothing about that.
At solar noon, I laid out in the sun, reading. Then I moved into the shed for a real sweat. But I didn't sweat like I expected. When I came in, I changed back into shorts and t-shirt. Then Chris and I took some plaques to his office. He has quite the display there. But one box had a porcelain doll in it, instead of a plaque. I said he could set her out as Covid Cathy since her head was cracked. I don't know what he did with her when we got home.
I sat down to read e-mail and unsubscribe to a bunch of stuff because I am inundated with information and ads every day. I also answered some e-mail. Chris helped me cut up a watermelon. He made the big cuts and I sliced it up to go into bags in the freezer. I cut up the rind and threw it in the back yard where the grass needs water and nutrition. Chris cooked up a squash and a yucca. I looked up Harward farms to see where the produce I bought came from. Apparently they partnered with wSyngenta, Helena, and Bayer on their agri-spray page. Learning that did not instill my confidence in their produce.
For supper I ate some of the roast, the squash, and the yucca, plus the usual handful of soaked nuts. I put the remains of supper away. Then I proposed that we watch TV early, and Chris was amenable.
We watched two episodes of Lucifer. Then Chris looked up Lillith (presumably Adam's first wife). He read some of it to me, and then went back to his game. I sat on the couch and read more. She is mentioned in many ancient texts. Most of them paint her in a bad light. Then I retreated to my laptop to type up my day and get ready for bed.
* Chris has a display of his awards and such in his office. *

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