Sunday, August 9, 2020

Faye from the Fox Reunion

I woke up when Chris got out of bed. I am not sure if I dozed off again, but I think I stayed awake until I got up. I got up about 8, and started taking supplements. Chris said he'd shut off my alarm so I could sleep. Then he started mowing the lawn. (Who is he and what has he done with my husband?)
I brushed and swished. I showered and dressed, always in the usual t-shirt and shorts. Chris brought in the mower battery to recharge. At 9 I watched our Huntsville church service. It was nice to see familiar faces.
I read e-mail until time for breakfast. I made and ate breakfast while Chris had lunch. Then we walked to the post office but there was nothing in our box.
Just as we came in the house, Faye called from the reunion to get Michele's address. She wanted to Skype me so others could visit with me, but her tablet wasn't cooperating. I made up a gopher spray with castor oil and dish soap according to a recipe online. I sprayed or poured it down the holes I could find, which were either obviously open, or apparent when pushing a long screwdriver in the ground near mounds. After emptying the bottle, I met our neighbor and let her dogs sniff my hand. Hopefully they won't bark at me so much.
I went inside and read e-mail to cool off. I looked up the location of Home Depot in Tooele so I can get more shelves to replace the ones that are obviously missing. I found places for some stuff in the garage. I tried on some old clothes, put some in donation, and others in the trash. Chris asked for the handtruck. But by the time I found it, he had carried a big box to the shed by himself.
I spend some time responding to posts on Facebook regarding masks and hypoxia. Then Chris pulled out the pork and we had supper. I ate the last sweet potato to make more room for the other foods. I found more more stuff to put away. Frankly there is a lot that I just don't know where to put. I found places in and on the sideboard for glassware on the dining room table.
I read e-mail again. I watched an episode of TQS. Then I made a magnesium drink and we watched two episodes of Lucifer. Afterward, I wrote up my blog post for today and got ready for bed.
* A gopher mound. Usually fan-shaped, with a hole beside it. They plug up the hole with dirt so you have to probe to find it. *

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