Thursday, August 13, 2020

And the doorbell rang...

I woke up when Reveille played and went back to sleep. I woke up again when the 7:30 alarm went off, and went back to sleep. When I woke up at 7:50, I got out of bed. I made a protein drink with molecular hydrogen. I saw the recycling overflowing, so I got dressed and took it out to the curb. I also broke down the box that the hose was in and put that with the recycling. For some reason it was growing moths.
I pulled out one shelf of the shelving unit I made in Korea. I walked around the house, looking for a good spot to erect it. There was a good space in the master bedroom closet, but it was full of boxes. So I started unpacking. I needed more clothes anyway. I did several rounds of NAET because my head is itching again. I'm scratching my head trying to figure out why it came back.
I fiddled with PVC pipes I found in a bag. I assembled my quilt frame so I would know which PVC pieces were extraneous. I put together two 'ladders' for the sides but the shelves were too big to fit them. Hmm. A man came by doing the census. I told him Chris had probably done it online. He asked a few questions, mostly about this address, then he left.
I started mixing a batch of seed crackers, when the doorbell rang again. It was a guy come to fix the sprinklers. I told him the sprinklers came on last night, but not for two or three nights before. He said the RF repeater was down for a while. So the sprinkler systems are controlled by radiofrequency signals. Gaaah!!! Is there no end to the electrosmog around here? I also hinted that I could salvage some sod from a house that will be torn down. But he said if the maintenance crew sees sod missing, they will report it. (Really? Like don't they have bigger fish to fry?)
I finished the seed crackers and put them in the oven. Then I made breakfast and ate it while listening to the CD's on the stereo.
Chris came home for lunch. But before he could finish making his sandwich, the doorbell rang again. It was the police coming to inspect our vin numbers. Gotta love that they came to us, rather than us showing up at the police station. I went out to see what was going on. Chris pointed out another gopher mound, which I swear wasn't there this morning. I finished my breakfast.
I looked up old pics on the desktop computer, hoping to find more shots of the PVC shelving unit. I put ozone cream on a dental pick and applied it to tooth #19. It seems to be helping. I looked for our two-drawer nightstand. I gave up when I couldn't remember why I was looking for it.
I put on my bathing suit and read outside for half an hour. When I came in, I didn't feel good. So I laid down for a few minutes, then drank a glass of water. I looked at magazines that I was contemplating giving away and selected a stack I could part with.
Armed with spray and a bucket, I dealt with the latest gopher mound. I used a knitting needle to find the hole, then poured the liquid in it and scooped up the extra dirt. When I went in, I unpacked more boxes, some from the garage and some from the livingroom. I stopped to eat some pork with the sauce Chris made. Then I had some seed crackers, and a can of tomato soup. I looked through my blog for my DNA test because I couldn't remember the name of the company. But I did not find it.
Chris came home from work and immediately sat down at his laptop to play the game. I flattened paper and moved some things from one box to another and to some other places. I emptied another box! I checked e-mail, and then put my walking shoes on. We walked to the post office to pick up a package. But there were TWO packages, both for me. As we walked back, he picked up a dime and a penny from the street. Of course when we got home, he put them on my laptop while I opened the boxes and took the supplements out.
Then I made a magnesium drink and saved the melatonin for later. We watched two episodes of Lucifer, then I posted to my blog. Taps was played over the loudspeaker at 10pm. This is a new and unappreciated thing.
* I took pics of some quilts in the magazines before adding them to the donation pile. *

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