Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Still swimming in boxes and paper

Even though I wore the Apollo on my wrist last night, falling asleep was no easier and I woke up during the night. I awoke again hearing Chris' alarm, and then Reveille, but I went back to sleep after that, and woke up at 7:30 when my phone alarm went off in the den. I was surprised I could make it out.
I got up, brushed and swished and took the first supplement. I made more green mix and sinus rinse. Then I used the sinus rinse. I turned on the router and my phone so I could put Apollo in the wake up mode. That lasted 15 minutes. Then I tried the 'clear and focused' mode. I texted back and forth with Elaine.
I put some pumpkin and sunflower seeds in a bowl to soak. I decided I needed to rearrange my fabric before I unpacked any more. I put up a blackout curtain on the shelving unit nearest the window. I needed to move some tubs of fabric, but they were too heavy.
I listened to a debate between RFK jr and Alan Dershowitz. RFK said one HMO reported vaccine injury in 2.5% of patients. So the chance of injury is 1 in 40. It was a good debate and I wish Fauci and others had been part of it, but apparently no doctor will accept the invitation to debate RFK jr..
I used the soaked seeds to make seed crackers. While they were baking, I made breakfast. Denise texted me so we went back and forth. Chris came home for lunch. He moved the rugs and some big tubs of fabric for me. I brought in a shelving unit from the shed and set it in the closet. I baked my seed crackers a little longer since they were not crisping up. I started a loaf of bread in the bread machine for Chris.
I laid outside for 20 minutes, reading, in my bathing suit. Then I changed back because I expected David to come at 2 for boxes and paper. I broke down boxes while waiting for him to show. I checked Facebook and my phone multiple times in case he left a message saying he couldn't come. 3 pm came and went. I gave up and sorted colors in the fabric closets. I put greens and blues in one, and reds and oranges in another. Solid color fabrics went in a third. At 4 he sent a message saying he would come tomorrow.
I cut a big box into 6 shelf-sized pieces. It was not easy with just a small box cutter. After the effort, I needed food. I ate some seed crackers and carrots for supper. Then Chris came home from work. He needed pics of himself to submit for something at work. So I went through all our Seoul pics and sent selected ones to his e-mail account. It took a long time. I ate a can of tomato soup.
I paired up the 6 long pieces of cardboard on the back porch. I sprayed glue on three of them and topped each one with another. Then I laid a table top on them to keep them flat and compressed until the glue dried (which probably wasn't very long), and left it for the night.
I jotted notes for my blog. I went for a walk around the neighborhood. I kept an eye out for sprinklers. When I got back to the house, I made my magnesium drink and we watched two episodes of Lucifer. Then it was time to blog and get ready for bed (with the Apollo).
* Meet Apollo *

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