Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Two meetings at once

I woke up with or before hearing Reveille. I did not go back to sleep. At 7:30 I got up to start my morning. I decided to take some targeted time to tap on the pains in my teeth and behind my jaw. After the second supplement, I went outside to look for gopher mounds. I found a few, and dealt with them. I squirted some holes that were probably old and filled them with the gopher dirt.
Inside, I turned on the router and started looking at e-mail. I had over 600 unread e-mails. Should I just delete them because I don't have time to read them? So many other things to do around here. I moved empty boxes from the garage to the hallway. I took a few things out of boxes and put them where they might be found later. I cleaned the kitchen counter tops and the stove. It was hard to clean the stove because the particles would not stick to the washcloth.
I spent an hour taking vitamin C every six minutes. I used a different form than yesterday. Then I made breakfast. Chris came home for lunch.
After breakfast, I pulled more empty boxes from the garage and guest room. I collapsed boxes in front hall for David who was coming at 2. At 2:15 Carol called me on Facebook. While I was talking to her, David showed up. I let him in so he could gather boxes and papers while I went back to talking to Carol who made and sent me a sneeze guard. David let me know when he was finished and I thanked him. Carol and I finished our conversation.
I cut down into my 600 unread e-mails, knowing the number will go back up tomorrow. I wrote a letter and walked down to the post office. I took the long way back for exercise. I saw a gopher mound that had appeared next to my pail. I poured castor oil mix in the hole, and scooped up the mound.
I read e-mail until Chris came home just before 5. I started an audio, but in a few minutes it was time to sign into Zoom for the RCMQG meeting. It was so nice to visit with them and see their show and tell. Chris left about 5:40 to attend the Town Hall, which was being televised live on Facebook. So at 6, I pulled up the official Dugway page and looked for that meeting (or presentation). I did not know how to turn the volume down on the RCMQG meeting, and the volume was all the way up on the Town Hall. So I put my zoom meeting on mute and listened to both. The town hall was done 40 minutes later with no questions. The Zoom meeting went until 7:30 or 8. I manage to sneak in some supper while they discussed future plans.
I made up two weeks worth of supplements, and then Chris and I watched two episodes of Lucifer. We did something after that and went to sleep, leaving blogging for tomorrow.
* This is the mask I made on Saturday *

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