Saturday, August 29, 2020

Weekly shopping and quotidian activities

We stayed in bed late, and got up at the same time. He turned on the router while I took the first supplements. I watched part of an interview with Mantak Chia on London Real. I shortened my supplement routine to get ready to go to Tooele. I wrote some checks, then went to post office to mail them and buy stamps. While I was gone, Chris took a shower and got dressed. I filled a water bottle and packed a snack.
As Chris drove to Tooele, we listened to the next CD of the book Celebrity in Death. When we got to Luckey's, I ate part of my snack and put on the face shield that Carol sent me. It was breathable, but not comfortable because it came too close to my eyes. When I pulled it down a little, it came off my nose. Anyway, we shopped. There were no arrows on the aisles anymore. We got some of what was on the list. Then we went to Melanie's Nutrition. I bought a beet drink and tooth powder. Then we stopped at the farm stand and picked out 4 ears of corn. At Macey's, I picked up a surgical mask from the table at the front door. But the nose piece would not hold its shape around my nose. We got what was left on the grocery list, except for brain octane oil, which I will have to order. On the way home, we continued listening to the CD, then got into a heated discussion about the few mentions of its being set in the future.
We unloaded the groceries and put them away. It was about solar noon, so I laid out in the doorway of the shed for sun and reading. When I came in, we had more 'discussion'. Finally we watched a movie starring Patrick Stewart, which had something to do with cloning. Then I went outside to clean up two mounds, and treat them with castor oil mix. After that, I had a snack, and Chris started gaming online.
I called Dad and talked to him about things long past. Then I talked to Faye, who was with him. She was reading him a chapter of a book for Sunday school and it had lots of long words that seemed unnecessary to get the point across. One such word was 'quotidian'. I had to look it up. It was a fancy word meaning 'everyday, commonplace'. Ha!
After another snack, I finished my blog for yesterday and posted it. Then I took a walk to the community gardens. I checked out what was growing (kale, corn, tomatoes, squash, marigolds, zucchini, hot peppers, beans, sunflowers), and pinched a few seeds from a spent flower. I came home, and put the seeds in a pot. It occurred to me that I could go back in the morning to meet people and make friends.
I listened to more of the interview with Mantak Chia, Taoist master, channeling energy through breath, laughing, and other things I won't describe here. When Chris finished gaming (around 9:30), we sat down to watch an episode of Lucifer. For the first time, 'God' actually showed up, in the very last scene. Then I wrote to my blog, brushed my teeth, and got ready for bed.

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