Monday, April 19, 2021

A windy afternoon

I took extra melatonin last night, did yoga stretches, dabbed Slumber essential oil and used the ASMR head tool. With the headphones on, I became sleepy quickly. I made some auto-suggestions in that state, but it was hard to remember what all my problems were since I was so relaxed and comfortable. I woke up several times in the night, so the sleepy state did not last. Still, I was able to go back to sleep each time. I heard Reveille and Chris taking a shower. But I was having a dream and went back to it.

I got up at 7:30. I checked the plants and worms. More dead worms. Sigh. I drank several cups of water, then brushed and swished. I read by the Happylight. I cleaned in the kitchen. I moved the bagged tomato to get more light. The CSM called to ask me if I could come to her office at 1.

I turned on the router and took out the food scraps while it booted. I took a health quiz and got the results. I finished listening to something from yesterday. How did the doctor cure the invisible man? He took him to the ICU.

I whipped up a batch of seed crackers and put them in the oven. I started making breakfast at 11:45. Chris came home a little early for lunch because he had a meeting at 1. I turned off the oven and went to work with him. Just before 1, he walked me to the CSM's office and introduced me to the secretary. He left and we chatted until the CSM arrived. We discussed gardening and I listened to her stories about her father. Then we walked down the hall together. She had to go somewhere and I walked home.

I researched perlite for gardens, then for gophers since I have two huge bags of it. No info on using it for gophers. I put some in a gopher hole, but wind had picked up so much that I stopped with one. Even though I was wearing a mask, I might be breathing perlite. I also filled in all the mysterious holes in the backyard that have no mounds.

I put on a news talk show and listened while I parsed out supplements and make up more mixtures. Then I put supper in a bowl and tossed it in the toaster oven. I also made a salad. Chris came home and fixed his supper. He called James to wish him a happy birthday. After eating, I listened to audios and did puzzles.

Chris made me aware of the time. I made tea, and we watched three episodes of In Search Of: Butch Cassidy, Next iceage, Killer ants. I suppse next we'll hear that Wuhan is doing gain-of-function research on fire ants. Chris stopped the video several times in order to talk about global warming vs ice age. Then I brushed my teeth, sat down to compose my blog post, and get ready for bed.

* A pot that can grow along with the tomato plant. *

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