Thursday, April 1, 2021

Surprise wood chips!

Last night I watched an Australian news cast called Weekend at Bidens. Clearly they don't think much of Biden and friends. Then I watched Sheryl Attkisson talk about all the untrue stories that the media published while Trump was in office. When something or someone is censored, we should look further into why the corporate interests don't want us to have that information. There should be a firewall between the newsreport and how the reporter feels about it. Big Tech has done a bait and switch, getting us to communicate via their platforms, and then turning to censor free speech and collect information.

I didn't get to bed until after 1am.

I got up a little after 8. I made coffee and did exercises. I read a book by the Happylight. Then I meditated and tapped for an hour or so. I cleaned the bathrooms. Chris came home for lunch. I took some time to clean the kitchen and scrub the sink. It was a nice day so I opened the windows and turned on the ceiling fans. I went to the garden to spread more manure since another load had come in. I met two ladies who were each going to plant today or in a week. Seems too early to me.

When I got home, I raked up leaves and tumbleweeds for the compost pile. Then I saw wood chips on the ground from when the chipper/shredder was there. Raking showed me that there was actually a good bit left behind. I collected the chips for my compost pile, though I would have like them as mulch. It tired me out so I went inside and meditated, trying to catch up on the Oprah and Deepak meditations. I walked around the nearby streets looking for more woodchips. A big truck came to dump dirt next door where the house was torn down. It looked like good garden soil, unlike what was spread at some other former house locations.

I read that 102 vaccinated people in Washington state tested positive for Covid. Eight were hospitalized and two died. Other states reported breakout cases as well. We don't know how long such immunity lasts.

I made breakfast for supper. Chris was late due to Mass being moved from Thursday to Wednesday. I listened to a podcast and pieced puzzles. He came home and made his supper. He watched Michele game online then called her. I joined in the conversation. Afterwards, he filled a pot with cabbage, potatoes and corned beef. But in opening the corned beef, it dropped and blood went everywhere. He only saw and wiped up what was right in front of him. But I could see it around the kitchen, on the walls and on the fridge. I wasn't too happy about having to clean the kitchen again.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of In Search Of. The second one was about the Amityville house. So then I looked it up online to see if there was any new info or theories. Finally I got around to writing my blog post so I could go to bed. Late but not as late as yesterday.

* This is obviously the dirt, not the woodchips *

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