Saturday, April 3, 2021

Waiting for the Easter Bunny

On Friday, I stayed in bed late. When I got up, I sprayed the mushrooms (sprouting!), worms and plants, I could not find Chris. Then I saw he was standing in the front yard on his phone waiting for the Easter bunny. I kid you not.

I read a book for half an hour, then brushed my teeth. Michele called, so I had to spit out the toothpaste I was swishing. Chris, who had given up on the Easter bunny after 90 minutes, saw something out the window and ran out to see the bunny and dance. He was supporting the alphabet agency that sponsored it. I wished I had a pic of him dancing.

After talking to Michele, I read e-mail, then made breakfast and mediatated. After breakfast, we went to Salt Lake City for kimchi. I had to read a lot of labels to find a good one. Then we went to a nearby shop for kimbap. We ate it on the way to Tooele for the usual groceries.

When we got back to base, we stopped at the post office and got a Netflix DVD. Then we took the groceries home and unpacked the food. I was really sleepy, perhaps from the kimbap or the book on CD, and I laid down. That woke me up and I sat at my laptop to work on e-mail and do a tapping audio.

I heated corned beef for supper. Afterward, I put a bunch of coconot shell shavings in the toaster oven to kill mold. I wasn't satisfied an hour later, so I threw it all out. I made tea, and we watched two episodes of Warehouse 13, and I fell asleep on the couch. Eventually I got up and went to bed, where I hovered on the edge of sleep for sometime.

* pink pearl oyster mushrooms *

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