Friday, April 23, 2021

Castor Oil pellets

I went to bed late, but slept well. When I got up, I headed to the kitchen, stopping to sweep up gnats. I was dismayed to find adults there. I hope they haven't had time to lay eggs. I watered the plants with a bit of minerals. I read a book, then turned on the router and read e-mail.

From Yahoo News: "The Postal Service is running a 'covert operations program' that monitors Americans' social media posts". With a title like that, I had to read it. ICOP or Internet Covert Operations Program looks for inflammatory postings and shares them with other govt agencies. One wonders why this task was given to the post office.

I made breakfast and watched The Highwire. He interviewed Dr. Zach Bush, and then a permacultureist. Michele called called and we talked for some time. I put some vermiculite in water to soak. I went outside to water and feed the compost piles. I also planted all the lettuce and the broccoli, and picked a box of dandelion blossoms.

Then I listened to part of an interview until Retreat played. Afterward I hopped in the car and went over to Coyote Run to rake up wood chips and take them to the garden. Once there, I spread castor oil pellets over the exposted part of the garden and added some compost tea.

When I got home, I finished the interview, then went outside to fill in the mysterious holes that appeared since yesterday. There was more than a dozen. I put some perlite in most of them, hoping it would discourage whatever made them. Itching powder came to mind. I wonder what that's made of? I drained the perlite and spread it in the worm bed.

Chris came home with a pizza. I wanted the box. Then my timer rang and I pulled my supper out of the toaster oven. I continued to listen to interviews. Then I made tea, and we watched three episodes of In Search Of: Indian astronomers, Bermuda Triangle pirates, and Sherlock Holmes. I think I dozed off. Later I got up to brush my teeth and check on the worms. Then I posted to my blog and got ready for sleep.

Here are the notes I took today:

100's of scientists, including Madam Curie, died of effects of radiation exposure because they thought it was safe. Medicare reimburses doctors 6% over the cost of cancer drugs prescribed, encouraging the prescription of more expensive drugs. Oncology is very profitable. Oncologists get 'reimbursements' for treating a disease that they themselves diagnosed. The Fitzgerald Report of 1953 documented in the congressional record a conpiracy between FDA, AMA, and pharma to supress natural cancer treatments.

Dr. Sagura studied laetrile in mice and reported better results than he had ever seen from conventional therapies. Sloan-Kettering pulled him off the project and said he was no longer competent and replaced him with a doctor who said there is no scientific evidence that laetrile posesses any benefit at all. Cities are selling biosludge to farmers for their fields, but calling it free organic fertilizer. We have a pandemic of vulnerability. Oceans are warming at a rate not seen before.

Chemo and radiation do not kill cancer stem cells, which are responsible for metastasis. Curcumin targets stem cells. Vit C, eleagic acid, artemesenin, sulforaphane, DIM, quercetin, resveratrol, green tea, laetril, also target cancer stem cells. Some doctors use micronutrient therapy, including lysine, proline, NAC, trace minerals, EGCG. Cancer is a symptom not a disease.

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