Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Quilt meeting

Last night I slept well. The extra melatonin seems to be helping. I got up at 7:30-ish. I drank several cups of water, then started the lemon water protocol at 8. I checked the worms and the plants, spritzing the mushroom box. I put the strawberry plant outside. I read a book by the Happylight. I called Faye and she said Dad was diagnosed with C diff. I turned on the router and ordered supplements to replace the ones that are low. Then I read e-mail.

I was listening to a talk on muons and how they were used to find empty spaces in Egyptian pyramids as I made breakfast. Chris came home with mail, but no packages. I ate breakfast and he made his lunch. I listened to other audios.

Sometime after 2, I picked up a gallon of water and went to Coyote Run to rake up wood chips. They were dry so not too heavy. I took them to the garden. I spread some compost tea and covered that with cardboard, then topped it with chips. The weather was so nice that I raked up another box and tub full from the smear across from the school. Then I went home. There were more holes in the back yard, but not like gopher holes. I had filled them all in yesterday and now there were more, or the old ones had come back. I filled them with pieces of dried cow manure and dirt. I planted one leaf lettuce in the flowerbed, to see what might eat it. The others I left on the front porch where they appear to be safe. I looked at videos on rooting sugarcane. I cut my cane into two, each with a node and stuck them in water. Then I watched more videos and ate some leafs and seed crackers.

At 5, I joined the RCMQG meeting on Zoom. I paused my video until I had finished eating, then let them see me. At the end of the meeting, I discussed Slack with Amanda to see if I could get on. It wasn't cooperating, but she said she'd work on it. I called Faye to ask for an update on Dad. We talked for an hour or more. They are giving him probiotics for the infection and he is eating well. She intends to bring him a card every day.

At 9 I made tea and we watched three episodes of In Search Of: Eden, Jack the Ripper, and Tunguska. Then I brushed my teeth and rubbed some ozonated oil on my head. I sat down to write my blog and then get ready for bed.

* Show and tell *

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