Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Rainy days are the best

I did not sleep well last night due to night sweats. But when they subsided, I wanted to stay in bed and enjoy its warmth. But it was time to get up. I did some mental programming, then got up about 8:15.

I drank several cups of water, then made lemon water and started the process 15 minutes later. I checked the worm and did not see any gnats. I swished while reading a book by the Happylight. I watered all the indoor plants. The ones outside were enjoying a lovely soaking rain - Yea! I read articles and listened to short audios and a meditation. At 11:45 I started making breakfast. Chris came home for lunch with mail from the post office. I read about examining the face, tongue and fingernails for clues to the state of health.

I kept checking Facebook for a message from a lady wanting plants. When it arrived, I took a container of yam plants, one of sweet potato sprouts, and a tomato plant with me. I jumped in the car and went over to the pavilion. She was there and very happy to get the plants, which she was going to give to her mother. We talked for a bit, then parted ways. When I got home, I called Faye. She only knew that Dad had been moved to room 100. I went on the institutions website and looked at their virtual tour. Of course it looked wonderful! We talked for some time and then she had to go.

It was no longer raining, so I went for a walk. I went to Coyote Run where a single tulip is blooming where a house once stood. I wanted to make certain it was real since it looked so out of place. Yep.

When I got back, I checked the lettuce plants. Some had been vandalized, so I sent Chris a message that we needed to move the gopher trap. When Chris came home, he moved the trap even before he changed clothes. He had trouble freeing it from the back yard because the stake was pushed all the way into the ground (which was why I didn't do it myself). Then he reset it and put it in a new hole in front.

I heated supper in the toaster oven. I ate it while looked at Youtube videos of how to build mason bee houses. I wondered if it would make a good Saturday project. I made tea and we watched four episodes of In Search Of: abominable snowman, DB Brown, Moses and the Exodus, Pompeii. Then, since the beans soaking in wet cotton balls had sprouted, I replanted them into soil. Finally, I wrote my blog post and got ready for bed.

* These are the beet tops that I planted in vermiculite at Chris' suggestion. *

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