Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Cold morning

I slept well, last night and got up at 7:45. I made lemon water, swept up baby gnats, and watered plants. I recharged the mp3 headphones, and put some beans in water to soak in preparation for sprouting. I spritzed the second flush of pink mushrooms.

A truck with a trailer went around picking up tumbleweeds. I read a book, and then checked e-mail. One article said cookies are on the way out but UID2 protocols will mean your online activity will be tracked across all devices and shared with third parties. I listened to the tapping meditation. Lots of stuff came up. After a few more audios, I washed up and got dressed, and put the strawberry plant outside once it was warm enough.

At noon I had breakfast ready. Chris came home for lunch and asked me to make a loaf of bread. At 1, I went to the chapel. The chaplain asked me to help his wife with a tea party. And we discussed other things including tapping.

When I got home, I watered both compost piles, and pulled out two of the mushroom boxes. One had a worm in it (but where did the rest go?). I spritzed the cardboard in them, and put them in the car. I went to Coyote Run to rake up some wood chips which I took to the garden. I put the wet mushroom-infested cardboard down and regular cardboard on top. I dumped the chips over that. I also spread some of the compost tea. Then I went and raked up another batch.

I was home before 5. I read some articles, then put fish in the toaster oven. Chris came home from work and I told him about my day. I ate the fish and made a salad. I read articles until Chris came in the kitchen to get a drink. Then I made my tea and we watched episodes of In Search Of. At the beginning of one episodes, Nimoy said "what does it feel like to die?". I suppose now he can answer that question. Chris became very talkative. Finally I sat down to write to my blog and get ready for bed.

* In spite of the warm days, there is a cold wind that blows off of the snowy mountains. *

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