Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Is it lettuce or is it gopher bait?

I slept ok last night. I got up around 7:45. I watered all the plants, checked the worms, and sucked up a few gnats. I started the lemon protocol. I read more from the book of Daniel. I watched bumble bee house videos. I went to Pinterest looking for a small project for this Saturday and found a bookmark project.

Chris came home early to change, then went back to work. I checked the trap and put a flower pot over the hole. I watched the day 6 episode of the cancer series. I checked the trap again and it was buried in dirt. I pulled it out, cleaned it off and reset it. I made breakfast. I checked the trap again. It had caught a fat gopher. I left it for Chris. After reading more e-mail, I called the home my dad is in, but they were on hold with someone else, probably Faye. I called a lady in Tooele, but she didn't answer so I left a message. I called a number for a health company online. She wasn't as helpful as I had hoped. I guess they are not set up for health coaching.

I went to the post office, and all I got was an envelop for Chris that was probably junk mail. I watched Day 1 of the sleep summit. Faye messaged me about her call with the home. The nurse she talked to didn't know anything about his therapy, but he was awake and had an iv for hydration.

Later, while I watching a different video, Johnnie called and asked me to water her plants while she's gone. I went to Johnnie's house, and she gave me a tour of the plants and how often she waters them. We joined her husband on the back porch and watched a hawk grab a gopher as it came out of its hole, and fly off with it. She gave me a key and showed me her hexagon quilt. Brian showed me his dispenser for poison. I also got to see his mason bee house, and then I walked home.

I blended up two cans of sardines and poured a bit of the mixture into most of the gopher holes I could see. One of my lettuce plants was eaten to the ground. I put supper in the toaster oven, then made a salad. I read until supper was ready. Chris came home from work and made his supper. I started watching the next episode of the cancer series. Chris came to me to talk about an article I had sent him. We talked about it for a while, then I made tea, and we watched 4 episodes of In Search Of: auras, missing link, evolution, and time travel. During the first episode, the doorbell rang. It was Jenni coming to get some sweet potato plants. I had plenty and gave her a bunch.

I finished the rest of the cancer video, then typed up my blog so I could get ready for bed.

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