Friday, April 9, 2021

The pick of the crop

I slept really well after a few mental suggestions. I got up with my alarm, feeling pretty good. I made lemon water, and read my book. I checked the plants and vaccuumed up fungus gnats (which I did repeatedly throughout the day). I read e-mail and listened to some tapping audios. I vacuumed again. I looked up how to sprout potatoes, and set them in an egg carton in the window I separated young yam and sweet potato sprouts into small empty supplement containers. I took a pic for later.

Chris came home for lunch and I made breakfast. I posted the pic of sprouts to give away to good homes. I sat on the front step and removed stickers and tape from boxes in the recycling. I flattened them and put them in my car. I raked up a box and tub of wood chips out at Coyote Run. I took the chips to the garden and spread them on cardbard. When I got home, I took a short walk.

I made a salad for supper. I ate half, then responded to a request and delivered the two best plants to a neighbor. I finished eating supper, and listened to interviews. I took notes from bichar activation videos. I made tea and we watched 4 episodes of In Search Of. We went to bed and fell asleep. In the middle of the night, he got up to turn the lights off.

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