Sunday, March 27, 2022

Burnt bacon bits


I woke up in the middle of the night, my ears ringing so loudly that I could not get back to sleep nor even relax. I checked the router and found it on. I turned it off, but that didn't seem to help. I tossed and turned for the rest of the night. I got up around 8. I wanted more sleep but only getting up would allow me to think about something other than the ringing.

I rinsed my nasal passages, brushed my teeth, etc. While Chris slow-roasted bacon, I watched a presentation on soil:

All extinct civilizations destroyed their soils by not understanding the effect of their agricultural processes. Tilling destroys the organisms in the food web needed for plants to uptake nutrients. Every soil on earth has enough nutrients to grow plants, but without the living parts of the food web, those nutrients are not available to the plants. Before and After pics show the amazing difference that compost and compost tea can make.

Chris pulled apart the bacon with two wooden spoons. I whipped up a batch of cheese sticks with bits of the bacon and popped them in the oven. Chris gave me a massage, then took a shower. I got up to rescue the cheese from the oven. It was a little overdone in my opinion, but Chris liked it. I put the rest of the bacon in a small pot to render out the fat. But in the end, the bits burned.

I made and ate breakfast. I washed up and put on a bathing suit. I sunbathed outside barefoot. Then I filled two water bottles and packed a sauna bag. I went to the gym where Diane was waiting. We went to the girl's locker room and turned on the sauna. We walked in with our towels and water. It took 30 minutes for the temp to rise to 135, which is about when the sweating started.

After an hour, we changed and went walking. On the way back, we met Jenni, who had just come back in her new rental car. Diane had to go home, but I walked with Jenni around a different block. When we got back to her house, Jamie came by and we all had a chat. Then Jenni drove me to the gym in her new rental car. I drove home.

I ate raw veggies for supper, and a pickled egg. I listened to podcasts, and watched a vortex math video. After clearing more e-mail, I wrote up two blog posts and published one of them. I made tea and we watched four episodes of BBT. We made the bed. I read e-mail, then got ready for slumber.

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