Friday, March 25, 2022

Glorious weather!


I woke up hearing Reveille. I stayed in bed until Chris left. I did the usual first things. I had trouble sitting, so I put on the rest of podcast from last night while organizing and cleaning the back countertop. I put some tiny seeds on a wet paper towel to see if they will stick. I finished reading the Fauci book.

I watched several long tapping videos. I made breakfast. Chris came home with packages from the post office. I watched The Highwire for two hours, then sat in the entrance to the shed, barefoot, enjoying the sun. It was a perfectly warm day. I read a new book on uric acid.

Then I put on my walking shoes and met Diane and Jenni at the school. I gave the Fauci book to Jenni. We walked around the school block. Afterward, I went by Housing to set up a time for an inspection of the apartment.

When I got home, I heated leftovers for supper. I called Steve to see if we were cleaning tomorrow. I texted with Michelle. She invited us to come over Sunday evening. I texted Jamie. I listened to podcasts, and did puzzles. I made tea. We watched four episodes of BBT.

Chris went to bed and I listened to Dr. David Martin talk about how the new variants will be coming from injected people, premeditated acts of ...genicity, we are allowing the human organism to become a bioweapon itself. He filed a case in Utah around the definition of vaccine vs gene therapy.

* This is the last paragraph of "The Real Anthony Fauci". *

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