Tuesday, March 8, 2022

The flare-up

I got up after 8. I rinsed my sinuses and got dressed. I swallowed some charcoal powder in water. I vacuumed up spider eggs behind furniture in the bedroom and hair clippings in the bathroom. I cut up fruit peels for the compost. I made and submitted an invoice for cleaning the company house. I wrote my blog post for yesterday. I read messages, then played a podcast while I packaged up 5 pounds of cacao nibs. I put the 10lb bags of flour in the plastic bag that the cacao nibs were in. I put it outside to freeze any moths they might have. I swept the snow off the outdoor thermometer.

I looked into molecular hydrogen and its benefit and uses. I made and ate breakfast. I watched an interview with Dr. Shallenberger about mitochondria. And something about peptide ss31?

I whipped up a batch of seed crackers, then went walking at the gym with Diane. When I got home, I looked up my squash on the internet. It seems to be a winter squash.

I ate some seed crackers, and listened to podcasts. Jamie came by for the swap shop key. I made a salad, and listened to tapping sessions from the day 8. She brought the key back. I got up to heat tea, and the stove burst into flame. It was only for a moment, but enough to scare me. I wish the knobs were not on the front of the stove where they get bumped into. We watched a DVD from Netflix called Father Goose with Carey Grant. Later Chris went to bed. I stayed up to blog and finish the tapping videos.

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