Saturday, March 19, 2022

Life comes to a 'stand' still


I got up around 8, I washed the Berkey and filters. I read e-mail, then washed up and got dressed. I started cleaning out my back seat so I would have room for the vacuum and carpet cleaner. I took a set of 10lb weights out and was putting them with other athletic stuff when my back spasmed. I screamed and sat down. Chris came running. He didn't know what to do and at first neither did I. I asked for the blue yoga blocks and he wedged them under my hands so I could pull myself up to a crouch and then I stood up. The pain was strong and the threat of spasm near. He put a lidocaine patch on my back and I tried to sit against a heating pad, but that hurt, too. I took a muscle relaxer, an antiinflammatory and a painkiller.

I called the man whose office carpet I was going to clean. I told him my back was out and he said it was fine to stay home and recover (I wish I had a choice). I went for a slow walk to the post office. There was a package of fabric in the box and a yellow slip. I waited in line (1), but it hurt to stand so I walked home and gave the yellow slip to Chris. I sat in a chair and he gave me a book to read while he took a shower. But the book was too heavy. After the shower, he brought my computer table over, but I could not look down at it. Plus, sitting was still painful. Eventually I worked out that sitting with a pool noodle right in front of my sitz bones was about as good as it was going to get. I put on a back brace, which helped.

I put the fabric (from the Jinny Beyer sale) in the washing machine. I drank vit C water while reading e-mail. I nearly laughed when I read that Pelosi said gov't spending reduces the national debt. Chris went to the post office and brought back a package of shungite which I ordered from Russia. He said he had to keep the bag to show the security people in case it was a problem.

I got up to make breakfast and later, snacks. I cooked the seed crackers a little longer so they would be crispier. Chris cooked jackfruit seeds for me. I listened to podcasts standing up with the laptop on the bar. Diane came over around 4:30 and we walked around my neighborhood. It went well.

I read e-mail, still standing up. Chris cooked the rest of the mushrooms for me. I made a big salad and put the mushrooms on top. After that, Chris got out the big black pot of corned beef and cabbage. I had a small bowl of that. I listened to some of the next episode of Covid Revealed. I skipped through the parts of interviews that they played yesterday. I made tea and we watched four episodes of Big Bang Theory. During that time, I tried sitting on the couch with the pool noodle, then sitting on a hard back chair. I spent most of the time standing until I tried sitting on the piano bench and leaning against the back of the couch. I was able to sit for longer periods of time.

I finished the episode of interviews, then put my computer to sleep and headed to bed. I was not able to do the 5 minutes of yoga, but just a little stretching before I laid down. BUT, I did not realize that lying down would be so painful and uncomfortable. I was exhausted and it seemed so unfair. I could only make tiny adjustments and each one seemed to trigger a spasm. Chris wanted me to take meds again so I agreed to the anti-inflammatory. He went to sleep and I stayed awake, tapping mentally. The Naproxen must have diuretic properties because I had to wake him up twice in the night to bring me a towel. And I hadn't even finished my tea! It was a very long night.

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