Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Unexpected news


I got up at 7:30, hearing my alarm go off in the other room. After the usual preps for the day, I turned on the router. I vacuumed behind the plants in the den. I finalized a list of hymns to submit to the chaplain's assistant. I put it on a thumb drive. Some of the additives in vaccines would not be allowed in other drugs. Safety bar is lower.

I made and ate breakfast. I went by the post office and picked up a package of bone broth. Then I continued on to Saronna's house. We played show tunes in her living room, followed by some classical pieces. Her daughters came home from school.

I packed up and headed to the gym, but saw Diane's car at the school. I parked and caught up with the ladies who were walking the school block. When we finished, Diane went back to work. I talked to Jenni for awhile, then went home.

I read e-mail and made a salad for supper. I started listening to a podcast. I got a text from Beverly so I called her. She was in the hospital with congestive heart failure. I had to look it up. We talked for a long time. I hope she gets to go home tomorrow.

I posted to my blog. I watched a presentation by Dr. Berg on 23 signs of nutritional deficiency. I jotted down that nutritional yeast before bed is for excessive thinking, take iodine in the form of sea kelp, vit D right before bed is for sleep and back pain.

I made tea and we watched “To Have and to have not” with Bogart and Bacall. I didn't care for it because the two kept giving each other mixed messages. And then there was Eddie. We looked it up on IMDB. The piano player in the movie had composed and performed a song in an episode of The Flintstones.

Chris went to bed and I stayed up to listen to as much of episode 11 of Covid Secrets as I could. But at midnight, I paused it and went to bed.

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