Saturday, March 12, 2022

No tweezers:(


I got up before the 8:30 alarm. After the usual ablutions, I read e-mail. Then I went to the apartment at 10 to clean. I finished up the kitchen, cleaned the carpet in the bedroom and rinsed the tub. Jamie came around 11. My rug cleaner did not pick up water in the bedroom, but used up most of the water I put in. The carpet started to buckle. Jamie moved the furniture in the living room to one side. She vacuumed it, too. I ran the carpet cleaner over that half, and it picked up lots of dirty water.

At noon I went home to make and eat breakfast. I wrote out a grocery list. It was almost 2 when Chris came home. He packed the cooler and we headed to Tooele. We shopped at Luckey's, then Melanie's. I got some pine needle capsules there. Then we went to Macey's. I could not find the kind of tweezers that I wanted so I went to the $ store. They didn't have any of any kind. Strange.

We went back to Dugway, listening to the book on tape. There is some really violent stuff in it, so I wonder how it got in the Young Adult section of the library. We stopped at the commissary to check for tweezers. A lady stocking shelves there said I inspired her to buy a sewing machine and attachments, and she is going to come to the next sewing class.

When we got home, we unloaded the groceries. Jamie texted that she finished the apartment. I figured out the cleaning hours, then went walking with Diane. Later Jamie called and wanted to meet tomorrow at the company house.

I made supper, and listened to an episode of Endgame. I wrote my blog post for yesterday. I made tea, and we watched four episodes of BBT. I listened to the bonus interview of the episode of Endgame. It reminded me that all the flour I bought isn't much good if I don't stock up on yeast. I texted Michelle and she invited us to dinner on Sunday. I went to bed.

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