Sunday, July 10, 2022

Cleaning house (but not mine)


I watered the plants. I went to the company house where I pulled the sheets out of the washer and put in towels. I left the washer and dryer running while I went up the hill to care for the cats. I flushed all the toilets, ran the faucets and removed most of my cleaning supplies.

I went to the garden. Emily was there. She said there was a u-pick place an hour away. $11 per bucket for whatever veggies and fruits you pick. I pulled up and gave her some mint.

I went home. I asked Chris for a massage. Later we both took showers. I got dressed, then made and ate breakfast. I read e-mail.

I went to Jamie's house. I paid her for the yard work. She had extra stuff, so I picked out some for me and also for the swap shop. She put it in my trunk. I went back to the company house. Jamie helped me dress the beds, then left. I washed dishes, cleaned the house, hung the towels, mopped floors, and took out the trash. All in 2 hours. I found a bar of Irish Spring in the trash and saved it for the gophers.

I came home, brought the cleaning supplies in, then raided the fridge for supper. After checking e-mail, I finished my interlibrary loan book. I made tea and we watched four episodes of Cheers. I watched a documentary and then went to bed.

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