Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Missing potato plant - whodunit?


I got up before 7:30. I watered the plants inside and partly outside. I put on my bathing suit and fertilized three jugs of water and visited the fruit trees. I sprinkled some fruit tree fertilizer that Jamie gave me. Then I gave each tree a jug of water. I went to the garden to fertilize those plants. One of my potato plants from the box was missing. Like someone dug it up and covered the hole so it would look like it hadn't been there. Mrs. Pace came by so I mentioned it to her and she said something is uprooting her plants too. I promised her a potted potato plant and she left. I finished up with my garden, doing a little weeding. Then I went home.

I made and ate breakfast. Chris came home with three packages from the post office. Finally, bone broth! I read e-mail, then opened the packages. Saronna canceled our playing for today.

I worked outside in the yard. Later, I put on shoes and met Diane and Michelle at the gym for walking. After we were done, I went home. I read e-mail. I picked dandelion, and made a netting cover. I washed the leaves and left them to dry on the porch.

I ate leftovers, then watched the quilt guild meeting at 5 on Zoom. I quit a little after 6 to go to the community meeting. I sat by Chris,. I participated a little bit, but mostly listened. Afterward, I talked to people downstairs in the cafe, then talked to ladies in the parking lot. Then we all went home.

I picked and assembled a salad. I ate it while watching a video on diesel engine oil additives, and the lack thereof. The two plants that make the additives are down for maintenance. I posted to my blog. I made tea and we watched four episodes of Gomer Pyle. Then I read my book until I got sleepy and went to bed.

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