Wednesday, July 27, 2022

New lawn management plan


I got up before the alarm went off. I watered the plants inside and out. Then I went to the garden. I watered, then planted seeds for a fall crop. When I got home, I watered gopher holes, then raked and mowed portions of the shaded yard.

At noon, I made and ate breakfast. Chris did not come home for lunch, He was at a retirement luncheon. I checked e-mail.

I tried to make copies of music but print came out too light. I suspected that the ink was drying up. I put on my shoes, grabbed my trombone and music and went to Saronna's house. I was a little early, but by the time she got the children settled, it was 2:30 and Sebastien arrived. I asked him to give us a few minutes, and she and I played our favorite piece.

Then using the hymnal, the three of us practiced two hymns for Sunday. We also played a hymn that Saronna suggested. Sebastian couldn't sight read all the notes, so I had him play just one line. Then the baby woke up. So Saronna was done. Sebastian and I tried switching lines on the hymn and it sounded good. Then he went home. Terri texted that she was not walking today. So Saronna got the kids together and we walked to the library for story time. I turned around and walked back to my car and drove home.

I ate frozen watermelon and read e-mail. I watched a presentation on the history of media, and on the WEF. Chris came home from work. He made me eggs with cheese for supper. He brought home the leftover brownies. I ate a large crumb and decided that it came out just right.

Just after 7, I went back to the side yard to rake and mow. I didn't make a big dent in an hour. I parked the mower, rake, and wheelbarrow by my car to avoid getting hit by sprinklers.

I worked on my blog, and looked at internet piano versions of the song Saronna and I like to play. But it didn't seem to be much like the one in Dad's book. Then I made tea. We watched four episodes of Cheers. I read a book from the swap shop that I think I've read before. I was falling asleep, so I went to bed a little early.

* Why did they mark the temps in red when they are lower than the ones in green? *

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