Monday, July 4, 2022

Goat milk lite


I woke early, but kept doing the exercise where you move energy down to your feet and out. That kept sending me back to sleep. I finally got up at 8:30. I brushed and swished. I watered my plants. Chris put pork in the oven to make barbeque.

I went to the colonel's house to feed his cats, etc. I noticed that someone had mowed the yard and cleaned up the tumbleweeds since I was there yesterday. I went to the garden. Diane and Mindy were there. We chatted. They both had bad experiences where someone took something of theirs or picked from their garden.

It was a little early, but I made and ate breakfast. Then I changed into a red and blue outfit. I arrived at the chapel at 12:45. Soon the boy pianist arrived. While he played, his parents and teacher showed up. Then the pastor. Rick and Jenni came, as did Saronna and her girls. Diane showed up during the first song. Sebastian played the piano and I accompanied him on trombone. Mostly we were together, but I couldn't always follow his intro.

After the sermon, we played The Star Spangled Banner. Too bad Saronna did not bring her string bass. Then we all chatted and had cookies (which were about right after the wet paper towel.) The piano teacher had her pupil try out the electric keyboard because she said the piano was out of tune. Most people left, but three of us stayed. We chatted in the fellowship hall.

I went home to read e-mail. I changed clothes and laid down for awhile. Then I put on a bathing suit and clothes over it. I went to the gym. The lady at the desk gave me a bag of spices that she picked from her garden. Michelle showed up. We chatted until after 5:30. I did some weightlifting. The band director walked by and Michelle asked him to help with the choir that we are starting. Then at 6 we left. There was no time to sit in the sauna.

When I got home, Chris cooked mushrooms. He threw in some rice. That was my supper, plus some cheese. I read e-mail. I heated goat milk to 180, then added salt and vinegar. But this time it did not curdle. I wondered if salted milk doesn't curdle. But when I looked it up, yes it does.

I worked on my blog. I heated the milk again and heated tea. I left the milk sit while we watched the last episodes of Cheers and one of The Umbrella Academy. By then, curds had formed. But they were small, soft, and not easily separated from the whey. I painstakingly did the best I could, then put it all in the fridge. There wasn't much time left to check e-mail before going to bed.

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