Saturday, July 9, 2022

Why are the sheets never done?


First I brushed and swished, then watered and fertilized the plants. I went to feed the cats, short version. I skipped the garden. Jamie came over. We worked together to pick up sticks and tumbleweeds in my lawn. She went home for something and I went to meet Casey at the greenhouse to investigate the solar fan. He allowed as it was a nice toy, but underpowered for cooling the whole greenhouse. I took my solar fan and went home. Jamie came back at the same time. We worked again on raking, filling at least 6 trash cans with tree debris and squashed tumbleweeds. I took a break to make and eat breakfast. Then we were going to go to the landfill, but she went home for something and it took too long.

Chris and I went to Tooele while Jamie mowed and trimmed the lawn. We shopped at the usual places plus Joanns for mask elastic. We listened to the book on CD on the way home.

I ate brazil nuts and checked e-mail. Then I went to the company house to throw sheets in the washer. I read outside on the back porch. I ate barbecue for supper. I also had some cheese and seed crackers.

I put on my swimsuit, then went to the company house to transfer the sheets to the dryer, but found the washer hadn't run. It was on pause. [bad words] I set it to run, then went to the pool. I swam and talked to our neighbors about chickens. Jenni was out of town. Afterward, I went to the garden to water. I found pods on the pea plant. Very unexpected. Since when do peas grow in 100 degree heat?

I went home to change. I went back to the house to transfer the sheets, but they weren't done. I waited, then gathered the trash. When the washer was finally done, I gathered the towels, and put them in. I put the sheets in the dryer, then locked up.

When I got home, I posted to my blog, and made tea. We watched two episodes of Cheers, then sat on the couch for awhile, almost falling asleep. I read e-mail, and went to bed.

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