Saturday, July 30, 2022

Never got to the pool


I got up late. I watered the home plants. I killed gopher who was trying to avoid the water. Then I went and watered the garden. I pulled diseased leaves off of the potato plants. Were they too wet? I discovered a leak in the irrigation system. I folded up the end of the leaking line and covered it with a rock.

When I got home, I read e-mail. I made breakfast and ate it while watching gardening videos. Chris came home for lunch. Then we went to Tooele, shopped, and came back. Before going home, we stopped at post office.

It was 5pm. We unloaded the car. I raked a portion of the side yard and mowed it. Then I put on my bathing suit and went cleaning, intending to stop at 7 and go to the pool. However, Jamie didn't show up until 7, at which time I had been cleaning for an hour. She showed me her new cleaning tools: cordless vacs and microfiber dusters. She got a call for a quote, so we went over there to see the house. I had never been in one of those houses, so it was nice to see. But with two stories, it was a lot of house to clean, even though they obviously took care of it.

We went back to the house we were cleaning. We talked about coming up with a formula for a quote. We went through the stuff left in the house, dividing it up between us or consigning it to the swap shop. We divided up what was left in the fridge. I took a bag home.

As I was carrying stuff into my house, Michelle called. She wanted to take me to Pioneer Days in Tooele tomorrow morning. I was tired and not enthusiastic, but she convinced me.

Chris and I watched two episodes of Cheers. He set his alarm for 7am. I read some e-mail, then went to bed.

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