Friday, July 1, 2022

No kitty cuddles


I prepared for coffee morning. After the exercises, I watered my plants, then went to the colonel's house. I left the side door open to air out the gasoline fumes. I changed the cats' food and water. I collected a bag of used litter. I scrubbed at the floor of the oven, then sat down for cuddles, but neither cat came.

I went to the garden. Water droplets appeared from nowhere, so I decided to go home. I stopped at the greenhouse to spread some cat feces where the mice are coming in. I could see that something tore up the plastic cover on the table. Hmmm.

When I came out, there were no more water droplets. I went back to my garden plot. I watered the plants (even though there is a sprinkler system). I watered again with diluted whey. Veronica came by to chat. She asked about my garden. Neither one of us are happy with the way the plants are growing (or not growing). I spread dried citrus peels around the perimeter. I saved some for my car because it smells so nice.

When I got home, I jotted some notes for my blog, then resumed coffee morning with meditation and tapping.

Chris came home for lunch before I finished. After I finished, I started cleaning the bathrooms. He went back to work, and I cleaned the kitchen, then vacuumed floors. I took a shower and went to meet Diane at the school for walking. I returned some items to the library. I went home and started catching up on e-mail. It rained. Chris came home after work, then headed to Mass. I listened to a podcast on holistic dentistry.

Chris came home from work. I put on a bathing suit and headed to the pool. Jenni wasn't there yet. I checked the lost-n-found for the card thingy I usually wear around my neck. They didn't have it. I checked the sauna and it wasn't there either. When Jenni arrived, she said there was a sign on the sauna saying no one is allowed in when there is no one at the desk. We swam around together until the lifeguard said we had 5 minutes left. So we got out, dried off and headed to the parking lot. Then I looked at my watch and it was only 7:45.

I went home and changed. I asked Chris about the new sauna policy. I jotted notes for my blog and finished the video on dentistry. Turns out the featured dentist is in Salt Lake City. So close and yet so far away. I posted hours for the swap shop tomorrow. I made tea and we watched four episodes of Cheers. Then I read e-mail until I went to bed.

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