Saturday, July 2, 2022

Shopping Day


I got up late after staying up late. I brushed and swished. I watered my plants, then went to the colonel's house to feed the cats. I washed their fountain. I scooped up the litter. I played with their favorite toy, which is a mouse with ribbon tails on a small fishing pole. I removed some tumbleweeds from the front door and took them around back. There seemed to be less furniture on the back patio, but I could not see any around, perhaps blown by the wind. I walked around to the chaplain's old house and peeked in the window. It seems the shag rug was replaced with the same carpet we have here.

I went to the garden. I watered my plants and fertilized between the rows. I watered the peony and the rose bush. I dug up some mint and gave it to Mrs. Pace. When I got home, Chris was in the shower. I scattered three bags of cat droppings around the yard. I planted sprouted garlic and flattened some mounds. Chris went to work.

I read e-mail and made breakfast. Chris came home. When I finished eating and making a list, we went to Tooele. We listened to the book on CD. We shopped at Luckey's. While Chris was checking out, I walked to Melanie's. I picked out a few things and chatted with the owners. Then I dropped my stuff in Chris' car and went to Joanne's. I found some Heat-n-bond for the class tomorrow. I did not find any patriotic fat quarters. When I went to check out, the lady said there was a coupon for 25% off, which reminded me that last week I got a coupon for 50% off. So happy!

We shopped at Macey's. Still did not find the full size bottle of hydrogen peroxide. I am always running out. Then we went home. Chris had already gone to the post office so we didn't stop. I had something to eat while reading e-mail and texting Michelle. Then I put on my suit and went to the pool. Jenni and I swam around and chatted until the guard told us we had five minutes. Because there is no clock, we didn't know if it was early again. Turns out it was. I went into the locker room to look for my Aires pendant, but it wasn't there. I can't figure out what happened to it.

We toweled off and went home. I jotted notes for today and posted for yesterday. I made tea and we watched 4 episodes of Cheers. I read e-mail until time to go to bed.

* This is me and Jedidiah, dancing at the event yesterday. *

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