Sunday, July 7, 2024

A ribbon of stars


I got up around 7:30. Chris was gone to his 5am game. I got ready for the day. I watered outside, then watched two Myst V videos to figure out my next step. Chris came home just as I was getting ready to go to the garden. I went and checked my irrigation system and Casey's. I watered plants and snipped the tall weeds. There were no mice.

I went home and asked Chris for a massage. He was ready and willing. So we put the old sheet on the bed and he massaged me from head to toe. Later I took a shower while he napped. Then I went to my sewing room to cut fabric for the sewing project. I also selected some rolls of ribbon. As I finished, it was noon. So I made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail.

At 1:45, I went to the chapel. I unlocked the doors and set up the sewing machines. Saronna came with her kids. I showed them the project. I wanted to write the instructions on the whiteboard with diagrams, but could not find any dry-erase markers. So I drew on a piece of paper. Then the kids got started. I helped Wilhelm with his. Moira took off tracing, then started sewing. There was a problem with the thread winding up inside. I loosened the screw on the light cover plate. And she took it from there. Not only did she persevere in removing the threads, she also put the cover back on. While I watched her, Wilhelm got tired of waiting for me and he finished sewing his stars all by himself. His mother took a short video to send to his father.

Sophia, however, cut the stars out on the lines instead of sewing on the lines. So then she had to cut all the layers in star shapes as well. She sewed them together in sandwiches and attached them to a ribbon, but it took 4 times as long as the others. Jenni came and she made one, too. Then we talked until Sophia finished.

At 4:40 I went home. I drank some whey and rested. Then I went to 621 to clean for an hour. Then I went home for supper. I made a salad and heated beef in the oven. There wasn't much time to eat it, and then return to the chapel for Project Night.

As I drove up, MeryAnn arrived. I unlocked the doors and she brought her motorscooter inside. We talked as she worked on her project. Then McKenzie came and worked on a quilt top. I got out the iron and ironing board for her. Finally Jenni arrived with cross-stitch. We all chatted till 9. Then we started packing up. Everyone helped. And we saw a mouse run across the floor. I chased it with a broom but was far too slow. And it went into the room we keep our supplies in. I saw some batting on the floor, which I scooped up and packed to take home. I took all the batting home.

Chris said it was too late to watch TV. I started working on my blog, then helped him dress the bed and put away my laundry. I got ready for bed, then started watching Call the Midwife. I paused in the middle to finish my blog. When it was over, I just went to bed.

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