Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fun with my avatar


I got up around 7:30. I pulled the milk out of the dehydrator and it was like yogurt. I put it in a jar in the fridge. Then I got ready for the day, then went out to water. I reset the traps.

I read a bit of e-mail and headed to the school to meet Michelle and Jenni. Jenni had three kids that she was babysitting. She got them ready, then we all started walking around the school block. Michelle got worried that she would burn. Jenni stopped at second street and took a left to go to the park. Michelle and I continued on.

When we passed the garden, we stopped to look at mine. Just then Casey drove up to check his garden. My shade cloth structure had fallen in the windstorm and looked like it was trying to crawl over the fence. I threw the outside parts back inside the fence, then entered by the gate. We reattached everything, then continued our walk.

When we got back to the school, Michelle went home to lay down. I went home to read e-mail. Then I put the second halfgallon of milk in a pan and heated it to 180F. I read as it heated. I also used the automatic stirring rod. When it was hot, I poured in vinegar and let it cheese.

I made and ate breakfast. Chris came home from the office. A lady called wanting to get into the swap shop. I suggested 5pm and she agreed. I separated the curds from the whey. Then Chris and I went to the commissary and stopped by the post office to pick up a package. We offloaded the groceries, then headed to Tooele. We shopped for a few more things. Melanies was still out of Allium, but Cal Ranch had the splitter that I wanted. They also had half gallon jars, which I have been looking for for some time. Then we went to Macey's and then back to base.

We put the food away. I was tired but couldn't take a nap. And soon it was 5 so I went to the swap shop to unlock the doors. It was a new family who needed furniture. It was great to see so much go so fast. And they were thankful. The swap shop did not have enough lamps, nor a vacuum cleaner, so I went home and got two matching lamps and a vacuum. They thanked me and went home. I went home to find the crevice tool, then over to their house to deliver it.

Since I was on that side of the village, I went to 645 and worked on the stove and sink for 1:15. Then I went home for supper and e-mail. I also got ready for game night, putting a little cheese and yogurt in containers for Michelle. I put some tea in a bottle for me.

I went over at 8:30. I talked to Michelle while Casey brought up the game. Michelle ate the cheese and yogurt. She liked them but was afraid she would not feel good later. When the game came up, it gave me all kinds of choices for the avatar. None of the other games had one. So I experimented with the different features and had to laugh at the results.

When I had made all the choices, I entered the game. Parts of it I had seen online so I had some idea of what to do. But I couldn't remember it all, plus getting the action right was extremely frustrating. Finally I set it to the view of my avatar and that was easier to control. I got further than the video I had watched.

But when 11 came, I did not know how to save it and had to trust that it would save when I exited. I thanked Casey (Michelle had gone to bed) and went home. Chris was still up. I got ready for bed, then worked on my blog. Google still blocked pics so I posted without it.

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