Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Dugway Days - celebrating the 4th of July


I got up before 7, surprised that Chris hadn't taken his shower yet. I found him on his laptop. Soon he took his shower and left. I watered all the plants outside. There were no new gopher holes. I read e-mail until the power went out. They had predicted at 9, but it happened at 8:22. Then I took the overdue book and went to the garden. I checked the traps, and buried the dead mice.

Then I went to the apple tree to move the soaker hose. I also moved all the dead branches on the ground so it could be mowed. From there I could see people setting up the Community Club for Dugway Days later today. I went to the library to return the book and get a new one. Melissa gave me two. The computer was down so she couldn't check them out.

I went home. I sat on the back patio and read Fahrenheit 451. It put me to sleep, but the lounger was not comfortable enough for me to stay asleep. I tried going to bed, but then I thought about walking to the post office. So I did. It was dark inside, but I was able to make out just enough to open our P.O. Box and get the mail out.

Home again. I picked up some trash in the yard. I jotted notes for my blog. The power came back on at 11:46. But the internet took longer. It was back up by the tine I made more breakfast mix, and then finished making breakfast. I ate while reading, but Michelle called during. She asked me to drop everything and go on an adventure with her. She was so excited that I called Saronna and asked if it was ok (since we were supposed to play at 2). She said yes. So I called Michelle back and sat outside finishing my breakfast. A white truck pulled up and she came out to help me in (since it was so high).

The four of us (Casey and co-worker) went driving out on the range. We stopped at Devil's Post Pile. We climbed up the hill and then to the top of the pile. Casey said it was made of cooling lava. Lots of people had etched their names up there. A guy called me about signing over his place tomorrow at 1. I told him to call Jamie for a quote.

Then we went to Granite mountain to a man made cave where they test detonations. There really wasn't much to see. We also went to German Village. But again, not much to see. Then we went back to Ditto. I met another one of Casey's co-workers. Then Michelle drove me home.

I brought in the eggs that CJ left. I checked my front seat to see that Jamie had collected the garage opener and her cash. Then I sat down to relax with my usual after-breakfast grapefruit. But then Chris came home and said it was time to go to Dugway Days. Sigh. I finished the grapefruit and changed my shirt. Then we headed to the celebration.

We parked at the hotel and walked across the street. The band was playing. We talked to the head of MWR, and from there, many other people. Michelle and Casey came. I saw Saronna and her kids. Jamie and I got to talk about the signover tomorrow. There were game contests and cooking contests. Chris was a judge and I sat with him to help him eat his samples. However each entry had four pieces and there was only one judge. So they made me a judge too. I did my best, but like the others, I could not eat all of each thing. We had chicken, pork and ribs, plus 5 different desserts. So I saved the desserts for Saronna's kids.

Afterward I headed over to the regular tables and sat with Michelle. There was a jalapeno eating contest. It was after 7 and no mention of the award ceremony. I had a sort of plan to ride the big water slide AFTER the ceremony. But they packed it up. I spoke to Shannon and then to Chris. I went out to wait for it, but had an accident. I told Chris I needed to go home, so he drove me home. I changed clothes and got the meat out of my teeth. Then we went back to find that the ceremony was in session. Lots of people were called up, almost everyone I nominated. They each got an award and were spoken of as a group. Then four of us were called up and they spoke of our contributions individually. That was nice. But the certificates all spoke pretty words about general volunteer hours, and no specifics.

Michelle was going to take me home, but she stopped at her house to get something. We went back to the parking lot, then she went home again to wash her hands before taking me home. I gave her some cork hot plate holders. Then she left. Chris was home by then. The sprinklers came on and I looked out to see how each one was doing. I had spoken to the deputy garrison manager about it and he said they were inundated with sprinkler problems.

I worked on my blog, writing down nearly everything that happened today. It took a long time so it was too late to watch TV. I read some e-mail, and then Michelle and Casey picked me up. We went to the parade field and spread a blanket on the ground. We sat down to watch the fireworks. Although the day had been hot, it was quite nippy at 10pm. I rolled up in a corner of the blanket. When it was over, they took me home.

Chris went to bed and I stayed up as usual, then went to the recliner for my first (and maybe second) sleep cycle. After that, I went to bed.

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