Sunday, July 14, 2024

Fun in Tooele


I planned to get up at 7:30 and get started on outdoor work. But it was almost 9 when I awoke. I watered the plants at home and checked a gopher trap. But it had not been sprung.

So then I went to the garden with some seeds. McKenzie was there so we chatted about our gardens. After she left, I turned on the irrigation system to test it and there were two leaks. I slid patches over them, which was only mildly successful. I tipped the bucket of water with mint sprigs into a gopher hole. It sounded like water falling into a deep well. No gophers came out. The garden seemed wet under the mulch, so I turned the watering time down. Then I planted seeds here and there. They are old seeds so I might as well plant them.

I went home, stopping at the post office. There was a note in my box. I showed it to the clerk and she gave me a big box of cashews. I was just able to carry it to my car and take it home.

I asked Chris for a massage and he said he needed a few minutes. So I got online and read messages for quite some time. Then I went to tell him it was time for breakfast, but he pulled away from his laptop and we went in the back for the massage.

Later I made and ate breakfast, then took a shower, getting ready for our trip. I got an e-mail from Jenni that she had lost her car keys. So I went over there to help look. She found them eventually in the washer, nice and clean. And yes, they still worked.

We got in her car and she drove us to Tooele. We went to Melanie's. They had a bunch of free stuff out, including sugar-free smores. I tried a few things. I talked with Melanie. There was a new vendor there selling CBD products. He gave me some samples and guaranteed that they would help me get to sleep. I guaranteed him that if they worked, I would be a customer.

After we left there, we went to the farm stand. She bought some corn. Then we went to Home Depot. Jenni wanted mulch, and I wanted dowels (easily found) and 6” PVC pipe. Not to be found. Charity was there. The man she was talking to recommended checking with a plumbing store. We also searched for fruit tree fertilizer but they didn't have that either. I did find a bee house. And we found pepper plants on sale. We each got one.

From there we went to look for a sign about cherries. We didn't find it, but there was a small parking lot sale with 10 vendors. She signed up for a meal which is designed to sell cooking classes and a manual food processor.

Then we went to Great Clips. There was no wait. I went right in and she went to visit a friend. I had the most relaxing haircut ever, starting with her spraying cool water on my head. It felt so good that I wanted to fall asleep right there. At the end, I paid, then texted Jenni. While waiting, I went to Macey's and bought some tonic water and a bag of cherries. Then I took a quick gander through the dollar store. I walked back to Great Clips and arrived just as she was pulling up.I got in the car and we headed back to base, chatting all the way. I texted Michelle and she agreed to meet us at the pool. Jenni pulled up beside my car and we transferred my stuff to my car. I gave her the cherries. Then I went home and changed into my suit.

I went to the pool and met Michelle and Casey. Jenni was already in the pool. It was surprisingly cold for having sat through a week of 100F+ days. But we got in and swam as we talked. It was lot of fun. I talked about pulling one gopher from the freezer to throw out, and not being able to find the second one. Michelle offered to help me find it later.

Then it started to rain. I didn't care except my purse and shoes were getting rained on. So we got out and moved our stuff under the big umbrella. A little later Casey got out too. The pool was closing, so we took our stuff and left. I picked up my clock, but noticed that the plug-in clock that Jenni brought was still sitting on a chair by the wall, ticking away. Huh.

I went home and changed back into shorts and t-shirt. I watered the pepper plant. I made supper from the pan of browned beef and a carrot and some mushrooms. I watched Myst V videos. Then I worked on my blog and made tea. It was late so we watched only one episode of WTR. Afterward, he worked on his laptop and I read on mine. Then he went to bed. I continued to read, then put on the relaxing music and headphones. I crawled into the recliner and eventually fell asleep. Then I woke up and went to bed.

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