Saturday, July 13, 2024

Quick trip to Melanie's in Tooele


I got up at 8:30, not having slept well. I think it was something I ate. I watered the plants at home. I read e-mail for a bit, then went to the garden. There were no mice. I did a little watering, then headed out.

I stopped at Self-help to see what kind of hoses they were giving out so if I spotted one while cleaning, I could return it. But they didn't have any left. Apparently the all hoses and sprinklers were gone in a week, leaving some people hose-less and angry.

I also stopped at the post office. I got my mail and headed out. But she caught me right after I exited the door. So I went back in. We talked until she saw a customer and had to go.

So it was way after noon when I got home and made breakfast. I read e-mail and messages. I made a grocery list and we went to the commissary. We unloaded those groceries and went to Tooele for whatever we didn't find at the commissary. Usually Chris sits in the car and waits at Melanie's but it was over 100F. So he came in. He was not patient, so I got a few things and paid, then we left.

We listened to a book on CD. When we got back to base, we went home and unloaded more groceries. I read e-mail for awhile. Chris made mushrooms in the oven. I heated the last of the chicken for supper. Jenni invited me to go walking so I agreed to walk at 8. I went out to mow and water a part of the lawn.

I drove over to Jenni's house and we walked around the block. We passed the fruit trees so I moved the hose from the pear to the apple. When we got back to her house, we concluded our conversation, then I drove to Michelle's house for game night.

Michelle wasn't home, but Casey was. We got the game going. Then he worked on some computerized thing at the dining room table while I played. I finished the world of rain, then turned my full attention to the world of wind, the only world left. I got stuck and called it quits at 11. I thanked Casey, and went home. Chris was already in bed. I posted to my blog and got ready too.

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