Monday, July 15, 2024



I got up around 8. I got dressed and went outside to water plants. I dug up a gopher mound as well and set a trap. I planted the big pepper and some basil rootings. Then I read some e-mail before going to the garden. I found the irrigation had some holes, which I fixed. I dug up some gopher holes and made a space big enough to sink a 5 gallon bucket. I watered my rows with a dilution of iron and other minerals.

When I got home, it was almost 11:30. I took a shower, then started making breakfast. I ate as I read messages. Then I put my trombone in the car, and got the jar of pickled eggs. Subsequently I drove to the chapel. I brought the eggs in first and put them in the fridge. Then I brought my trombone in.

I talked with the other band members about moving the practice time due to the dodgeball event tomorrow. We moved it from 7 to 6. I almost didn't have time to assemble the instrument before the singing began. Keli led us in three praise songs. Then pastor Chris talked about parallels between the Abraham and Issac story and Jesus' crucifixion. I was not happy that he went into such graphic detail about the suffering of crucifixion. I tried to distract myself. I pointedly looked at my watch (since he was going over time). Normally I wouldn't care, but I didn't want nightmares. He didn't seem to get the hint.

When he finally wrapped it up, we musicians played our two hymns. Then I packed up and people went to the fellowship hall for the meal. I guess Jenni set it up. I brought out my pickled eggs and laid them on the table. The amount of food seemed low compared to the number of people who arrived after church. John sat by me and we discussed embroidery and then his job. Finally we got up to leave. Saronna agreed with me that we could leave our instruments in a closet till band tomorrow night. So we put them in the sewing room.

I went home. I ate my daily grapefruit. I read e-mail and other messages. I finished reading a book outside with my feet in wet grass. The cool water felt good. When I came in, the family game was starting.

We had trouble getting my voice heard over the connection, but after messing around, it healed itself. Then we gamed for over an hour. We all took a break and I started reading Brave New World. When I came in, they were gaming again. In the game my character fell in a vat of bleach, twice. Apparently Zoltan (Chris) pulled me out while I was out reading. Then we chased off the bad guy, beat his minions, and explored his hideout. Finally we found the incriminating ledger showing the buying and selling of corpses. Then the DM called it quits, saying we will probably wrap up the game next week.

I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Walker Texas Ranger. Chris went to bed. I stayed up to read, then got ready for bed and cued up the music. I became very relaxed, but I just could not sleep with the incident with Pastor Chris going through my mind. I gave up and went to bed. As the night progressed, my body became more and more uncomfortable. Finally, around 4, I got up and took some activated charcoal. I laid awake for awhile, then got in one, maybe two sleep cycles, before I woke up hearing Chris get ready for work.

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