Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The long and winding road to Tooele


I woke up before Chris left for work. I asked him about Lisa getting housing. Partly because she needs to move from where she is and partly because she put her name on the mattress at the swap shop and can't take it till she gets a place to live here.

After he left, I got up to start the day. I brushed my teeth, marveling at how big the hole in my tooth line is. I checked my messages. I left a voicemail for the dentist. I went outside to water the plants. When I came in, I saw they had called, so I called back and got an appointment for 10:30.

I left messages for Chris and Michelle. I went out to water the garden. Michelle texted back that she was already in the city. Sigh. I could have had a ride. But then I would have to do her stuff too. I finished the garden and came home. I jotted notes for my blog.

I got ready for the dentist by grabbing my shawl and checking to make sure I had the baggie with my crown. Then I got a text asking to get into the chapel. So I said I'd meet her at the post office. I went there and unlocked the swap shop so Anka could get in later. Karen drove up and I gave her the chapel key.

Then I drove to Tooele. It wasn't bad, just long and boring and sharp curves in the pass. I got there about 10:25. I had to wait so I read a book. Finally she took me to a room and cleaned my crown. She took an x-ray. Then I waited again, until the dentist could stick the crown in my mouth. He wasn't there more than a minute. She cleaned up the excess glue after a few minutes. She showed me the x-ray and the tooth did not look dead even though I felt nothing. Then I went to pay. Even though I had insurance, it still cost me over $100. That 1 minute dentist exam was almost $100 by itself. She told me not to eat or drink for an hour.

I went to Luckey's and got a jicama and two grapefruit. Then I went to Birch's and got a comb. Mostly I wanted to look around. Then I drove home. But that was the worst. My hands got numb from gripping the steering wheel, and I had a hard time staying awake. I was not driving safely through the pass but there was no place to pull over. Finally I made it to the front gate and showed my ID. And when I got home, I laid down. But of course I could not sleep.

I made and ate breakfast and checked e-mail. Anka said she wasn't feeling well and could not run the swap shop today. I stopped at the post office for mail, then went to 612 to clean. I was not happy that someone parked their work truck in the driveway. Karen texted me that she was at the skate park, so I went there to pick up my chapel key. And we talked just a bit. I went back to cleaning.

Then I put a bunch of stuff in my car and took it to the swap shop. I could see that kids had been playing with the toys and left them lying around. As I backed out, I saw Lisa walk by. She was not in a good mood. I went home. I put on the sprinkler. I mowed here and there. I made a carrot salad and ate supper.

At 7pm neared, I headed out early. I stopped to lock up the swap shop. Someone had put away the toys and propped the doors open. I turned off the lights and locked up, then went to the chapel.

Bethany was waiting in her car. I unlocked the door and we went in. I taped Karen's message to the freezer. Then Keli arrived. She had a top for me to mend. She paid me for cleaning on Saturday. Then the three of us played through some hymns, and all the Broadway tunes. Then we packed up and went home.

I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Walker Texas Ranger. AFterward, Chris went to bed. I stayed up to read, then put on some music and laid down with headphones. I fell asleep in the recliner, then woke up an hour later and went to bed.

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