Thursday, July 4, 2024

The left-behinds


I got up early to go to the bathroom, then went back to bed for awhile. It was after 7:30 when I got up. I watered and fertilized all the plants outside. Then I went to the garden to do the same. I had trouble fixing a leak in my irrigation system. I checked Casey's garden.

I went home to start coffee morning. While doing the exercises, the power went out. It came back on, but the CD player didn't have electricity. Nor did I have internet. I completed coffee morning without music.

The internet came up right before Chris came home for lunch. I vacuumed and started in the kitchen. Then I got dressed and went to meet the Housing people for a signing on Coyote Cove. The guy was moving to Germany. Jamie signed the contract and gave me the money and the key. We stayed a bit to talk, then she left. I went to Housing to schedule a Final Clean for next Monday.

I went home to clean the kitchen and wash dishes. I mopped the floor, then looked at e-mail. Jamie called and we met at 612 for our pre-inspection. We also gathered our cleaning stuff and took it to 621. She texted the man for the garage code and we got in. We looked around and saw that he left a lot of kitchenware. She called him and he said he meant to leave it. So ok. We divided it up into hers, mine and swap shop. Then we carried it out to our cars. I went home.

Chris was home having supper. Then he went to Mass. I stayed to read e-mail. Michelle voice-texted from the road about two packages that were delivered to her house. So I went over there to unlock her door and put them inside. I tried to figure out how to water the new plantings on the E side, but there were too many hoses, tangled in and around each other.

On the way home, I stopped at house #2 to make sure the timer was still working. Then I went home. I got out the mower and worked on the shady side of the yard. Chris came home with a pizza. I finished up a portion of the grass and put the mower away.

I worked on my blog. I made tea. We watched two episodes of WTR. He went to bed. I stayed up as usual, and spent my first sleep cycle in the recliner, then went to bed.

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