Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Liver cleanse


I got up around 7:30. I got ready for the day. I watered outside and addressed several gopher mounds. The GopherHawk caught one in the side yard. I took a pic for Casey. I came in and read e-mail for awhile to cool off. Then I went to the garden to check the irrigation system and pull some weeds. I also tried to imagine how the shade cloth should go up.

On the way home, I stopped at the post office to talk to Lisa. We ended up talking about more than the info I came to share. But as soon as someone else walked up to the desk, I bid her adieu and went home for breakfast.

I made a week's worth of supplements. Then I realized that I had taken three weeks of the liver cleanse supplement, so it was time to do the final protocol. I looked up liver cleanses online and picked one. It called for a non-fat breakfast and no eating or drinking after 2pm. So instead of my regular breakfast, I ate lettuce from the tower garden and the last of the tomatoes and cucumber in the fridge. I also cut up a pineapple and ate part of that. It made my lips hurt.

I made up a batch of the epsom salt water. I took my trombone to Saronna's house and we practiced several pieces. My lip gave out early due to the pineapple. I went home.

I looked at my PVC collection and realized I needed more poles. I thought I had 8 5' pipes, but apparently not. I retired to my laptop to read e-mail, messages, and articles. I watched some tapping videos.

Jamie texted me about doing at quote at 6:30. Chris came home from work. At 6pm I drank 6 oz of the Epsom salt water. Yuck! I texted Michelle about the PVC. Then she called me and we talked. We were still talking when I got in the car and drove over to the house. Jamie was outside waiting.

I hung up with Michelle. Jamie and I knocked on the door. A man answered. He put his dog out while we looked around the house and came up with a price. We quoted $600 and he accepted. Jamie discussed payment options, then we said goodbye and left.

I went home and did some watering. Even though the protocol called for no drinking, I was too parched. I drank several cups around 7:15. Someone posted that milk products were marked down at the commissary. So I went to get some to make cheese with. I met a man who is going to run a food truck and a car detailing business.

Then I read articles until 8 and drank another 6 oz of the nasty water. I worked on my blog. We watched one episode of WTR. I got ready for bed. I mended a pair of pants for Chris to wear, but then he couldn't find the jacket that went with it. Finally I made the oil-grapefruit juice drink, drank it, and went to bed. Chris turned off the light and eventually I went to sleep.

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